rear tube bumper builders please! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rear tube bumper builders please!


Well-Known Member
June 1, 2006
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City, State
Greenville, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
I would greatly appreciate it if all u welder's and fabricator's out there could give me a price on a rear tube bumper as I have recently got in a wreck and just want to go ahead and replace it with tube while i'm repairing stuff on the x. My ZIP is 27834 and if u all could give me a ballpark price for tubing and labor and shipping that would be greatly appreciated. BTW closer the builder, cheaper the tube, and best deal for labor would be greatly beneficial to me as I don't have much money right now at the moment...but I would like a rear bumper exactly like this one..... see below

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Josh (owner of that truck) lives across the street from me. Why don't you ask him to make you one? I know he has 20-40ft. of that tubing in his shop...I helped him unload it.


hey thx for the reply man. Could u ask Josh if he could subscribe to this thread and see how much shipping to NC my ZIP is 27834 and cost of material etc...i will most likely be doing this around my birthday which is in june i'm just gathering up some ideal prices to see what i'll be working with. Thanx for the help man. BTW nice fast reply. Ty!

anyone else maybe a little closer with some quotes? thx

ill supreglue a peise of 1 inch pvc to ur stock bumper for 40 gerbillion dollars.

haha thats a lil bit out of my price range mud-bog lol thx anyway.

seriusly tho i made one for mine but ur too far away.

I would greatly appreciate it if all u welder's and fabricator's out there could give me a price on a rear tube bumper as I have recently got in a wreck and just want to go ahead and replace it with tube while i'm repairing stuff on the x. My ZIP is 27834 and if u all could give me a ballpark price for tubing and labor and shipping that would be greatly appreciated. BTW closer the builder, cheaper the tube, and best deal for labor would be greatly beneficial to me as I don't have much money right now at the moment...but I would like a rear bumper exactly like this one..... see below

Now that's one sweet explorer!!:D

It was kind of a custom job as it wraps around the sides and welds to the frame in five spots...i extended the frame a little in the back to make the bumper stick out a bit so I could sit on it or set my beer down. Kills the departure angle but it gets the job done. One day when I have a better place to work and a better welder than my crappy 110v I'll start makin some bolt ons for y'all:thumbsup:

seriusly tho i made one for mine but ur too far away.

NJ to NC is not can meet in hes just lookin for an estimate...

my esimate still stands....40 gerbillion dollars.

I think i could maybe throw something like that together...

maybe hell pay for ur new atlas.

savage : how much would u charge for something like that on a 95?

savage : how much would u charge for something like that on a 95?

No clue, also the biggest die I have for my bender is a 1.75 right now, also would need a design, need hitch? d-rings? fit on the truck? :p: I dont have a 2nd gen

thx for ur help savage : i have been in a wreck the day after valentines and from the police report it looks as if it will be both our faults and both insurance companys are probably going to pay for the damages. as soon as i get the turn around on if i'm getting a check, i am prepared to offer u $150-175 range for that bumper as i showed on that one explorer in the first post. plus whatever shipping is. if i sent u the basic tube and brace design for bumper on a post is that price range firm with you ? plus whatever shipping would be. i am very interested in doing this maybe within by march at least. thx for ur help.

I would love to toss a bumper together for you, but it might be a better idea for you to find someone local to build it so you end up with what you want made
You could try posting over at in the Intro or classified section

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