Rear Window Inop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rear Window Inop


January 14, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Knoxville TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Sport Trac 4x4
Hey everyone! Can someone point me in the right direction of the post that shows how to use a multimeter and find out why my rear window is INOP (Motor, Switch, or Relay) I've seen it before and I have been searching for like an hour and cant find it. I just know that its hot as hell here in Knoxville and I need to fix my rear window..... fyi did I mention the AC was INOP too after not using it all damn winter! Ya FML! Help Please!

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Thanks alot man I really appreciate it... Got the multimeter and found the rear window motor harness but I am having a little trouble finding Connector 351, is that the switch on my dash or what?

Connector C351 is the connector at the motor.

Confused a little

At the motor? Ok then I am assuming there are two connectors behind the passenger side rear seat then? I'm asking because the connector that I found behind the Jack and everything looks like Connecter 2060 and it has a wire bundle leading straight to the motor. As for the 351 Connector Im kinda lost. Im just trying to figure everything out man sorry if I sound a little erattic.

OK, being a 2001 you have you have the C3007 connector. Hope that looks better.


This is from my 2001 Job 2.

at looks alot better! Unfortunately now I'm lost as to what I should be checking with the multimeter to see why or what needs to be replaced to fix it. I'm kind a like a sponge right now for information if you have anymore to pass! Is there any trouble shooting that I can do to figure out what my problem is so I dont have to go hand FORD a A$$ ton of money?

You have verified that fuse 20 ( 7.5A ) in the underdash fuse panel and fuse 3 (30A) in the underhood fuse panel is good?

The C3007 connector should have power, with the switch on, on pin 5 (BK/PK) and on pin 10 (YE/LG). Check with a test light or volt meter. All of the other pins are ground signals, which tell the motor what to do. Check with OHM meter while turning the dash switch. If these test correctly then you have a bad motor.


If the ground signals do not test good use the photo above to test the switch with an OHM meter. The two unlabeled terminals are the illumination for the switch. (See Connector C2060)


The two unlabeled terminals are the illumination for the switch.

I'm wanting to cheat and tie in the illumination wire for my new fog light switch with my rear window switch 's. It's slot #5 on the fog lights per this diagram


On the pic above the window switch has 2 you said were illumination. Does it not matter which one I use? Wouldn't one be power and one be illumination? Thanks!

ncranchero is a boss at window schems

Yes, I love seeing threads like this (sorry cknox) because I know sooner or later I'll be using it.

My fuses are good going to back window but still no power to the switch on dash can any one help

My fuses are good going to back window but still no power to the switch on dash can any one help

FAQ's above

Only power in the switch is for the light. The switch operates by grounding.

What year is your Sport Trac? You have checked the fuses under dash and under hood?
