Rearview Camera Problems | Page 29 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The AutoNation Ford parts website doesn't show this part. It is probably part of a complete wiring harness. You could try an auto recycler to see they have a similar Explorer and cut the connector off. There are members here that have had success in finding parts from such online recyclers.


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The camera side of the cable is pigtail WPT-1484.
That is from the service manual.

The vehicle side isn't listed but could be WPT-998 from
The service part number of the kit is GU2Z-14S411-SA. You can get the WPT-1484 kit online or through a dealer and splice it in, but you may have to talk to a dealer to get the proper service kit for the other side of the connector if there is one available, otherwise you may have to re-pin the connector yourself.

The pin-outs for C4488 are (Pin 1 on top, 5 on bottom starting above the single notch):
Pin Circuit Gauge Circuit Function
2 VDN04 (VT-WH) 22 CTRL MOD. - LIN BUS # BCM 4
6 * *

Guys I have an update! I figured there was something wrong with the wiring since I had 3 bad cameras in a row. I had to pop off the back side trim for the trunk and I saw a very corroded connector! When I pulled it apart, 3 pins were so corroded and broke off completely. I've been checking local auto parts stores for replacement connectors but not much luck so far. Any ideas?

Here are some photos:

Explorer repairs

Try going to Ford and asking if they sell them, they should cost much or have them give you the name. Search Ford wiring connectors on google,ebay,amazon. Hopes this solves your problem.

Well bad news is no dealers have the WPT-1484 part number. I've called a lot of different auto parts stores and online ford dealerships. A lot of them say I can purchase it on the website but when I call for stock I get either that the part is obsolete or they think it might be end of march until I receive it. I might just order a WPT-998 and try to rebuild the 1484. Anyone ever try to repin an adapter like that?

Well bad news is no dealers have the WPT-1484 part number. I've called a lot of different auto parts stores and online ford dealerships. A lot of them say I can purchase it on the website but when I call for stock I get either that the part is obsolete or they think it might be end of march until I receive it. I might just order a WPT-998 and try to rebuild the 1484. Anyone ever try to repin an adapter like that?
Not specifically but repinning isn't difficult if you have the right tools and the correct pin sets.

I have 13 explorer limited that put two cameras in the second one didn't work right after putting it in but three days later and I have a working camera. Worked for three weeks then went out. Took it to the dealer and they said I need a new camera, so I put another one in because I'm not paying them 600+. Still not working so I checked things on forscan and I have the B115E lin communication error and the C1001 camera system error. Check my connectors for corrosion and they are perfect.

Anyone have any suggestions?

Welcome to the Forum.:wave:
Are these new cameras that you are putting in or used ones? Since you seem to be able to install them yourself, a new one is only $242..88 at the following site.


Thank you. I can't help with the errors that you are getting since I'm not familiar with FORScan but I know that any time a new camera is installed it has to be programmed to the vehicle. The dealer uses IDS to do that, but it can apparently also be done using FORScan. I don't know if the errors will prevent that or if have tried it. Did the OEM camera just fail? Good luck.


I tried an ebay special with a part number of EB5Z-19G490-A at $210.00 without it working at all. Returned the camera, received my refund and remembered I have Geico:
(Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
$39.90/every 6 months
Deductible: $250
Covers auto repairs due to a mechanical failure.)

I had an issue with the camera working the first time after start but never again during the same use of the vehicle before shutting off. Frustrating to say the least. I tried resetting the APIM and Mysync to no avail.

Two days in service at my Ford dealer in Florida and it works great for the first day of abuse. I had a good quality camera in my 14 Sport already so the picture quality is the same. I did notice that my delay setting actually keeps the picture now until I start making forward motion. I love that feature! It was slowly not working correctly and I got used to it. No more issue now!

Looking at my receipt from Ford it shows the same part number I bought on eBay. APIM code was C1001 For Vision System Failure:Camera. Total cost was $576.73 with $368.00 being the cost of the camera-crazy! $171.00 in labor plus tax, which is reasonable.

I will post back if I have issues and what my next steps would be.

BTW I did have my headliner removed and reinstalled when I had an issue with a noisy moon roof soft cover every time it was opened or close-The Visor not the glass. It was repaired under warranty. I was thinking at first there might be an issue with the wiring near the rear of the vehicle by the hatch. Apparently that wasnt an issue like one or two had on this thread.

If anyone else has a newer ride that has less than 15,000 miles and is less than 15 months old, I recommend the Geico deal. It has just about paid for itself already. You can have 4 issues fixed at one time for $250.00 total. I tried to get a somewhat noisy steering column sound looked at and fixed but I guess it wasnt bad enough to require a fix. Makes noise sometimes when turning the wheel left or right. Noise is only at the wheel itself, not the front end of the vehicle.

Hope this helps some folks.


I tried an ebay special with a part number of EB5Z-19G490-A at $210.00 without it working at all. Returned the camera, received my refund and remembered I have Geico:
(Mechanical Breakdown Insurance
$39.90/every 6 months
Deductible: $250
Covers auto repairs due to a mechanical failure.)

I had an issue with the camera working the first time after start but never again during the same use of the vehicle before shutting off. Frustrating to say the least. I tried resetting the APIM and Mysync to no avail.

Two days in service at my Ford dealer in Florida and it works great for the first day of abuse. I had a good quality camera in my 14 Sport already so the picture quality is the same. I did notice that my delay setting actually keeps the picture now until I start making forward motion. I love that feature! It was slowly not working correctly and I got used to it. No more issue now!

Looking at my receipt from Ford it shows the same part number I bought on eBay. APIM code was C1001 For Vision System Failure:Camera. Total cost was $576.73 with $368.00 being the cost of the camera-crazy! $171.00 in labor plus tax, which is reasonable.

I will post back if I have issues and what my next steps would be.

BTW I did have my headliner removed and reinstalled when I had an issue with a noisy moon roof soft cover every time it was opened or close-The Visor not the glass. It was repaired under warranty. I was thinking at first there might be an issue with the wiring near the rear of the vehicle by the hatch. Apparently that wasnt an issue like one or two had on this thread.

If anyone else has a newer ride that has less than 15,000 miles and is less than 15 months old, I recommend the Geico deal. It has just about paid for itself already. You can have 4 issues fixed at one time for $250.00 total. I tried to get a somewhat noisy steering column sound looked at and fixed but I guess it wasnt bad enough to require a fix. Makes noise sometimes when turning the wheel left or right. Noise is only at the wheel itself, not the front end of the vehicle.

Hope this helps some folks.


Sounds like it might be the clockspring? I have something similar going on with mine.

I always have the delay on. If you stay below a certain speed, the view will remain on.
As for the camera, this site sells it for $242.88. Not sure how much shipping is. 2013-2015 Ford Rear Camera EB5Z-19G490-A | Auto Nation Ford White Bear Lake


I think it's 3 or 5mph and then it switches off.

Edit: the camera view times out if you are not in reverse, regardless of speed. Just tried earlier today in a drive thru - put Explorer into reverse, back into drive, and then moved forward and after a minute or 2, the camera turned off and it went back to radio screen.

Actually that´s what everybody had to do, configure the rear camera. I don´t have that option. All I did was a BdyCM Local Interconnect reset.

Good point @Coolrunnin02 , @wmubronco try that, reconfigure the rear camera. Check this video

Our 2013 Limited with Sync 2 with My Ford Touch, Parking Assist and all the other options camera went out stating contact dealer. I ordered new camera from White Bear Autonation (EB5Z-19G490-A). Installed and camera came right to life with straight parking aid lines. However they did not turn with the steering wheel and no green/yellow/red warning blocks when getting close to an object. I bought the Forscan and ODB-USB adapter. I needed the same as Explorer75 to perform a BdyCMM Local Interconnect reset to get the warning boxes to light and lines to move with the steering wheel. There was no option simply do rear camera calibration as shown in the very good video posted above.

Hey all. My rear camera has failed like so many others. I have a 2011 Ford Ex Ltd. I am trying to find a reasonable replacement. I took apart my rear trim so I could see what the part number was on the existing OEM camera. Its BB5T-19G490-AC I found what seems to be a slightly newer part number with a "AE" on the end at When I look on other sites like White Bear that have been mentioned early on this thread, I see similar parts #s but they start with EB or instead of 5T, its 5Z. I see this same stuff on most of the cameras ebay. Can anyone clue me in on this part number crazyness? Does anyone have recommendations? I don't want to sell my soul at the dealer to get my backup camera working again.

As mentioned before, your best chance is to buy one at the dealer with your vin# to be sure is the correct and updated part, It will be around 240 dollars. Autonation probably has the best price. Stay away from ebay. Buy at a dealer and should be a 1 time purchase, venture elsewere and cross your fingers.

Hey all. My rear camera has failed like so many others. I have a 2011 Ford Ex Ltd. I am trying to find a reasonable replacement. I took apart my rear trim so I could see what the part number was on the existing OEM camera. Its BB5T-19G490-AC I found what seems to be a slightly newer part number with a "AE" on the end at When I look on other sites like White Bear that have been mentioned early on this thread, I see similar parts #s but they start with EB or instead of 5T, its 5Z. I see this same stuff on most of the cameras ebay. Can anyone clue me in on this part number crazyness? Does anyone have recommendations? I don't want to sell my soul at the dealer to get my backup camera working again.

Part numbers are usually updated every so often. I would say that you would probably use the same one mentioned in the post above yours. Remember that it must be programmed to your vehicle after it is installed.


Thanks for the feedback. Later research found my part number is an engineering number which then makes a reference to the oem part number.

Just to confirm when you reference programming it that is to the process of using forscan via odbii to run the rear camera callibration correct?

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FORScan for the DIY'er or IDS if having the dealer do it.

