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Remote control use for opening windows


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2022 Explorer Timberline
I have a 2022 Explorer Timberline, and in owner’s manual it says that the remote can be used for opening and closing the windows. Was anybody able to use it?
What key sequence (or black magic) did you have to do?

Thank you!

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On my '21 Platinum I hold down the unlock button on the remote key fob for maybe 5-7 seconds and the two front windows will begin to roll down and will keep rolling down until I release the button. I have not found a way to roll them back up with the remote key fob.

From page 96 of the 2022 owners manual:

You can use the remote control to open
the windows with the ignition off.

Note: You can enable or disable this feature
in the information display, or see an
authorized dealer. See General
(page 116).

Note: To operate this feature, accessory
delay must not be active.

Remote Control Front Windows
After you unlock your vehicle with the
remote control, you can open the windows
for a short period of time. Press and hold
the remote control unlock button to open
the windows. Release the button once
movement starts. Press the lock or unlock
button to stop movement.

Thank you for the answers! I tried all combinations I could think of (long unlock, two unlocks with the second longer, three unlocks with the last one long - this is what did the trick for my European Mondeo), no luck in any combination.
I also couldn’t find a “windows” menu in the settings (I have one for the trunk and wipers) so I guess I just don’t have the feature….

Thank you for the answers! I tried all combinations I could think of (long unlock, two unlocks with the second longer, three unlocks with the last one long - this is what did the trick for my European Mondeo), no luck in any combination.
I also couldn’t find a “windows” menu in the settings (I have one for the trunk and wipers) so I guess I just don’t have the feature….
Looking at the Owner's Manual, I would say that you do have this feature. If a feature is only on some Explorers it would show "(if equipped)" which Global Opening does not show.


Looking through the 2022 ordering guide, the feature is called Remote Control Front Windows. It is listed as a sub-feature of the Twin-Panel Moon Roof option listed for the ST-Line, Limited, ST, Platinum, and King Ranch.

XLT and Timberline do have the Twin Panel Moon Roof as an available option, but the ordering guide does not specifically state whether or not it includes the remote window feature. Regardless, it looks like if you don't have the moon roof, you won't get this feature.

Hopefully someone with a Timberline or an XLT with the moon roof can chime in to see if they have remote windows.


Looking through the 2022 ordering guide, the feature is called Remote Control Front Windows. It is listed as a sub-feature of the Twin-Panel Moon Roof option listed for the ST-Line, Limited, ST, Platinum, and King Ranch.

XLT and Timberline do have the Twin Panel Moon Roof as an available option, but the ordering guide does not specifically state whether or not it includes the remote window feature. Regardless, it looks like if you don't have the moon roof, you won't get this feature.

Hopefully someone with a Timberline or an XLT with the moon roof can chime in to see if they have remote windows.

View attachment 431425
Hi, first time caller here. I have a new 2022 timberline, and it came equipped with the moonroof. I found you guys while trying to figure out how to get the remote control windows to work. I have been unsuccessful in that endeavor. Although, I also have not disabled the accessory delay as I do not know how to do that either. Would love to help you guys (and myself) close out this months old conundrum.

Yeah, I have the moonroof but no luck with the remote :(

Hi! I don’t know if this will be helpful but I had a 2016 edge and now have a 2020 explore ST. I believe it was the ST whose windows one day rolled themselves down. At the end of the day it ended up being a combination of buttons on the remote being accidentally pressed while in my shoulder bag that I was caring while in range of the car. So, this has been a feature that has not been publicized for years. I can’t remember the combo of buttons but it does exist.

Hi, first time caller here. I have a new 2022 timberline, and it came equipped with the moonroof. I found you guys while trying to figure out how to get the remote control windows to work. I have been unsuccessful in that endeavor. Although, I also have not disabled the accessory delay as I do not know how to do that either. Would love to help you guys (and myself) close out this months old conundrum.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
If you are referring to Global Open, it is explained in the manual which I'm guessing you have read since you mentioned Accessory Delay.
I have never disabled that feature but the Global Open, and Close in my case, still works. As for the moonroof, I have never been able to get that to open as well in either my current vehicle or previous 2017 Platinum. Maybe that has to do with the accessory delay still being enabled.:dunno:


Hi, first time caller here. I have a new 2022 timberline, and it came equipped with the moonroof. I found you guys while trying to figure out how to get the remote control windows to work. I have been unsuccessful in that endeavor. Although, I also have not disabled the accessory delay as I do not know how to do that either. Would love to help you guys (and myself) close out this months old conundrum.
I've had my '22 Timberline since the first of Feb, I have figured out that we tend to be in line with the XLT "standard features". It seemed for the 1st year they put some things on the Timberline that maybe weren't going to be there (ie twin panel moonroof) and other options. I have tried the Global windows with the accessory delay turned off with no luck. In my previous Fords, all F-150 XLT, it had to be turned on and off through Forscan, or something similar. So far, no one has found the magic programming key for the 22 Explorer for it yet. I am glad to see more Timberlines on the road and owners in here, I feel less alone now! Maybe when enough owners join, we can start our own thread and be as cool as the ST kids :cool:

I hadn't tried this feature when I posted earlier, but it works just fine on my 22 Platinum (no moonroof).

I find it it interesting that the responses in this thread seem to vary wildly from what Ford's documentation seems to indicate. All of their ordering guides indicate that only models with sunroofs have Global Window Open, but here we have examples of non sunroof vehicles that can do it. I only looked up one model year, I wonder if it varies between the different model years or if there was just a QC slip or a component substitution that has enabled it for other vehicles.

I hadn't tried this feature when I posted earlier, but it works just fine on my 22 Platinum (no moonroof).
Are you saying you have no moonroof or that it doesn't open along with the windows?


Are you saying you have no moonroof or that it doesn't open along with the windows?

Just saying that I don't have a moonroof. goalieThreeOne's post implied that the remote window function only came with the moonroof.

I've had my '22 Timberline since the first of Feb, I have figured out that we tend to be in line with the XLT "standard features". It seemed for the 1st year they put some things on the Timberline that maybe weren't going to be there (ie twin panel moonroof) and other options. I have tried the Global windows with the accessory delay turned off with no luck. In my previous Fords, all F-150 XLT, it had to be turned on and off through Forscan, or something similar. So far, no one has found the magic programming key for the 22 Explorer for it yet. I am glad to see more Timberlines on the road and owners in here, I feel less alone now! Maybe when enough owners join, we can start our own thread and be as cool as the ST kids :cool:
I have a 2022 base model and connected to for scan and was able to turn on the global windows down. By pressing the unlock button twice and holding it for 5 seconds. But cannot get the window up to work. I was pretty easy to Google and search for a copy of the forscan codes . Then you just look for the year of ur explorer and scroll through the screen till you find the code you want to change. But make sure you save a copy of ur vehicle on forscan before u change anything.

I have a 2022 base model and connected to for scan and was able to turn on the global windows down. By pressing the unlock button twice and holding it for 5 seconds. But cannot get the window up to work. I was pretty easy to Google and search for a copy of the forscan codes . Then you just look for the year of ur explorer and scroll through the screen till you find the code you want to change. But make sure you save a copy of ur vehicle on forscan before u change anything.
What Module and address did you change? On the '22 I haven't seen anyone confirm the open as working yet. The last Spreadsheet I worked off only had Global Close available, nothing on open.

I have a 2022 Explorer Timberline, and in owner’s manual it says that the remote can be used for opening and closing the windows. Was anybody able to use it?
What key sequence (or black magic) did you have to do?

Thank you!
You need the sunroof or it's possible it wasn't enabled and the dealer can help. If the dealer says no, grab Forscan. Settings can be found here: FORScan Ford Explorer 11-23MY

You need the sunroof or it's possible it wasn't enabled and the dealer can help. If the dealer says no, grab Forscan. Settings can be found here: FORScan Ford Explorer 11-23MY
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
As far as I know, the feature does not require having a sun/moonroof. BTW, the member you quoted may no longer be following. He was last seen here on December 7, 2023.


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Thanks Peter. I meant for ut to be enabled by default, you need the equipment pkg with the sunroof. Cheers!
