Remote Start Installation HELP | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote Start Installation HELP


Rah no Hans Bwix
November 21, 2002
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1994 XLT 4x4
I'm finishing up my RSX 3.5 install and can't get the remote start to work right. I've got a couple pictures of what I did below. When I try to start with the remote it does nothing, doesn't even try to crank. The first picture is of what I think the starter output and input is. I have a few wiring diagrams, they say the starter wire is red or pink (+). I'm not sure what the starter input wire is, I have the purple wire connected to what I believe it is. Purple is supposed to be at start input, green at starter output. My old alarm had an immobilizer relay, and that relay was connected to these 2 wires. I also cut each and was unable to start with the key. The next picture is the rest of the wires. I've got the 2 red wires connected to 2 yellow (12v input for high current outputs), orange to accessory (diagram says gray/yellow [there are 2 gray/yellow]), pink goes to ignition output, other pink to ignition 2. I also have a wire going to what I think is the tach wire. My diagram says it's at the ECM, gray/orange wire. Anybody know what's connected wrong? I'm sure someone's done a remote start themselves on a first gen. Thanks!

PS: It says all the ignition wires are in the ignition harness, which I believe has those 2 yellow 12v wires.


  • starter.jpg
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  • starter1.JPG
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Pm me all the what wires you need info on and i'll try to get it tommorrow.

Got it to start! (once). There's a toggle switch that's supposed to be connected to a wire when the vehicle is parked. I grounded that wire and it started, but now I can't get it to start again.

All fixed! Wasn't pressing the button enough times. :p
