Remote Start/Keyless Entry...HELP???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remote Start/Keyless Entry...HELP????


New Member
August 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Isle of Palms, South Carolina
Year, Model & Trim Level
91' XLT
I bought a Omega RS-7K remote start/keyless entry, and i need help on how to install it. I called around and the cheapest i can get it installed for is $100 and thats stupid for something that costs $50. Please help me..

I put in a bulldog starter with just a few scraped knuckles, their web site will give you wiring specs for specific vehicles , , this may help a bit . I need two more relays for my keyless entry havent got around to this yet. good luck

Bulldog keyless entry

I recently received as a gift a bulldog keyless entry and alarm system.
As luck would have it I had already put my Jeep Cherokee in the shop and had a keyless entry installed before I knew of this gift.
So this little toy sits unopened in the original box on a shelf in my garage. the model # is 1402 and it will unlock the door and with the optional relays available at you can roll down windows pop the tailgate etc.
I think it was around $60.00 new but I’ll sell for $30.00 and buyer pays shipping.
The box weighs around 2 lbs so shipping can’t be much.
So if you guys know of anyone who’d be interested drop me a note.
I have no clue as to installation so you’d be on your own there.

Ed Moody
Tampa Fl
and believe it or not bulldog’s been my nick for 20 years so just a coincidence J
