remote winch control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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remote winch control


Elite Explorer
October 11, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Ex/79F250: X250
I remember hearing about this somewhere, i just can't remember where, and I'm too lazy to look.
Anyone know where I can get a dash mount type winch control unit?

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Ramsey Not a dash mount but a pocket remote I think!

Drag, drag, drag, up from the depths....
I finally found a 3 way toggle switch with 6 posts on it. I want to wire my winch (M8000) remote to the cab as well as be able to plug the remote in the front/back (the winch is on a recviever). The current remote has 5 wires: one ground, one positive and 3 other ones. Has anyone wired on of these up before?

OK if I'm breaking new ground (I doubt it) then I'll take a lot of pics and do a write up for future use....

Hi aj send me a pm if you get the chance i just bought a home computer (no more public access for me hehehe) ya ramsey makes a neat littel key chain remote kinda cool if you ask me.
