Remove high mounted 3rd brake light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Remove high mounted 3rd brake light


February 6, 2019
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2016, Explorer XLT
Does anybody know hows to remove the 3rd brake light? I have search here but dont quite understand without pictures. Anything helps

Thank you

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Yeah I saw that thread. do you remove the upper plastic trim that goes around the window from the inside?

Yeah I saw that thread. do you remove the upper plastic trim that goes around the window from the inside?
I have no idea. Are you still under the factory warranty? If so and the light(s) are not working, take it to the dealer. The other suggestion is to PM the member of the post I linked and he may be able to clarify the procedure. He was last active on the Forum on Tuesday.


Hello guys - do you have some instructions how to remove 3rd brake (top) in 2018 Ford Explorer without breaking anything? Thanks. What tools do I need?

^^Merged your thread with this one.
Have a look at these found with the 'Search' feature.

