Replacing Factoring leaf spring w/aal + war153 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Replacing Factoring leaf spring w/aal + war153


December 18, 2005
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City, State
Ft. Wayne Indiana USMC
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 4x4 Sport
I ordered the add-a-leaf kit and the war153 shackles. I know the tt will raise the front high enough to level this out. I have seen where people are using leaf packs of 4doors plus the aal and shackles and the back looks a little high. My question is what if i got factory replacement leaf springs. They are very enexpensive, that should take care of the sag i already have right? Then would the shackles and aal be too high on top of that for the tt to level it out?

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You don't want to go more than 2" with the TT in the front or you'll have CV problems. So keep it under 2" and you'll be fine. I'm sure new factory leafs with an AAL/shackles would be fine though as several on here have done it.

I just got shackles for mine and for now I just want to get the sag out of it and get it level again, then I want to do the AAL and TT.

since u have a sport doesn't than mean u have a mono leaf in the back..? my 98 did... and they say u can't put a aal on a mono leaf. not sure y, im sure there is a reason. either way i put a add-a-leaf on my mono leaf and aside from firming up my ride (in a good way) helping with stability etc... i even got some lift out of it. but again they say not to do that. i just don't know y. i eventually replaced my mono's with 4dr leaf springs and put the add-a-leaf on those. maybe someone can explain...

if its a factory ride height again, with the new stock leafs installed. Then wouldnt the shackles and aal put me at around 3 in of lift, and you can only do 2 with tt. Can you pick the leafs up at autozone?

depending on how much yer sagging now or not that might be a little much with both add-a-leaves and shackles. i don't know how i missed that when i read yer post. in fact i missed the whole point of it :confused: anyways i got my 4dr leaves off a totaled explorer.cheaper than new. i would try the 4dr leaves and either the shackles or the add-a-leaves and see where yer at. i like the add-a-leafs over the shackles cuz of the firmer yet safer feeling ride it has. some like it some don't. yes if at stock height without sag both will probably put u too high.

do you have a picture of the aal on your mono leaf? Its not sagging to much at all barely even noticeable. I purchased just napa replacement shocks today seeing that the x has 97xxx miles. My father will be driving it the rest of the winter so i didnt need to go all out just yet. I may do the superlift later on so not tryin to drop too much cash now, just enough to get it up there a lil to play in the snow. One of my endlink bolts to the front sway is broke, so theres a lot of rockin and rolling goin on. Do you guys just disconnect both sides? Btw what bumper you have one there?

no i sure don't have a pic of the add-a-leaf on my mono's. that was back when i was still stock. i just did it like u would do any other leaf pack though. only problem was the aal's were narrower than my mono leaf so i had to build a piece that would keep the aal centered on the spring. but i might have made the mistake of buying ranger aal's. maybe :confused: i don't remember anymore. mine were sagging pretty bad so the aal brought it back up to level height for me. just remember for some reason yer not supposed to put aal's on a mono leaf. i would wait for someone to chime in with y first. having a broken sway bar link isn't helping yer rocking problem but if u still had stock shocks on it thats a BIG part. and the aal's will help too. the bumper is custom made courtesy of my dad.

i was just looking under the x and noticed underneath the mono leafs that there are 4 block type spacers before it rest on the part the shocks are connected to. Wouldnt this in re-turn lower the truck. Still pretty new at all this, i can take pics if no one knows what im talking about but have no way of posting them

i know what yer talking about... not sure what purpose they serve though cuz they are under the spring itself. if i remember correctly i took one of the spacers out and stuck the aal in its place then put it all back together. its been like 3 yrs and i have a horrible memory but i think thats how i did it. i don't have one to look at so i can't double check myself...

You guys have ARB over there right, Well in Australia they do a Raised Duty spring pack for the Explorers Under the “Old Man Emu” name 60mm Lift I think it is after settling ends up at 50mm (2-Inch).

Why don’t they stock them over in the US they would sell a **** load more than in Australia, May be worth asking if they will import a set or 200 set’s they would probably sell them piss easy. Think about it ARB sprigs+ shackles will give you like 3 to 3.5-inch of lift in the rear.

When I put my rased springs on (Not ARB but) the guy said to me, you know this is the first Explore we have ever lifted.

Hey guys i have a 97 with the mono leaf set up and i put air shocks on the rear. the 2dr sports arnt realy good at towing but with the shocks pumped up there is no sag infact it will lift the back end at least 2-3 inches.
Add a tt and a set of warrior shackles and put 33x10.50 and your X will be riding alot taller


rear springs

Aussie Explorer said:
You guys have ARB over there right, Well in Australia they do a Raised Duty spring pack for the Explorers Under the “Old Man Emu” name 60mm Lift I think it is after settling ends up at 50mm (2-Inch).

Why don’t they stock them over in the US they would sell a **** load more than in Australia, May be worth asking if they will import a set or 200 set’s they would probably sell them piss easy. Think about it ARB sprigs+ shackles will give you like 3 to 3.5-inch of lift in the rear.

When I put my rased springs on (Not ARB but) the guy said to me, you know this is the first Explore we have ever lifted.


In canada there is a company that makes rear leaf springs for the explorer and will make then with 1 inch to 26 inch of lift. they are considerably cheaper than here in OZ. They atart at 127.00 CANADIAN dollars for an entire new set. I spoke to them when I was looking the owner is cool and ships heaps to the US.

My 8 Leaf pack with 2 inch of lift was $800.00 ( NOT INSTALLED) and they are more than likely the same type you used. When i was buying mine the supplier was shipping a set to WA and I cant imamg9ne it was anyone else but you. Did you buy ToughDogs? I would never consider shackles after installing the 8 leaf pack, I removed the rear sway bar at the same time and the ride is excellent and stable with heaps of travel. Positivily the correct choice.


YOU CAN GO MORE THAN 2" TT without having to worry about excessive cv joint wear, I have 4-5" of TT with 10,000 miles and counting and not a single problem, is it for everyone no, if you want to fit bigger tires such as 35's, it is an option, if your wanting 33's and lower you obviously don't need this much.

Just my .02

ExplorerSportNu said:
YOU CAN GO MORE THAN 2" TT without having to worry about excessive cv joint wear, I have 4-5" of TT with 10,000 miles and counting and not a single problem, is it for everyone no, if you want to fit bigger tires such as 35's, it is an option, if your wanting 33's and lower you obviously don't need this much.

Just my .02

i was wondering when one of ya'll would jump in ;) so with that being said u could indeed do the aal and shackles and get the front to match it. will u like the ride? 50/50 chance. i certainly don't mind a truck riding like a "truck" but some people are more picky with the ride of it. some people can't stand aal's say they stiffen it up too much, i think they improved my ride. its all personal preference. only way to find out is to try it :thumbsup: wish i would've known this back when i was stock. could've got my 3" lift with a torsion twist rather than a body lift. oh well....

No wasn’t me Chris, My sprigs are Lovell’s rased duty $650 for the set.

The downside is even thou I have 2-Inch lift above stock, I also have a set of the Stainless Smittybilt round bar sliders that eat up like 3-inch if clearance.

It’s a trade off between clearance and body protection and the Body side skirt’s look like they are expensive, so I dent the bars which are surprisingly strong and save the body.
