REQUEST: Tightening sequence and torque specs for UPPER intake 4.0 OHV | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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REQUEST: Tightening sequence and torque specs for UPPER intake 4.0 OHV


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Hey gang,

So as title states...can someone post ' Tightening sequence and torque specs for UPPER intake 4.0 OHV'
Need to replace upper intake gasket....
95 4.0 OHV.
Also any non obvious things to be aware....needing sealing around certain bolt etc..
**My 95 kit did not come with inner rubber inserts..and ones I came across from close year say they are not compatible on my 95....hmm.....
And thanks to Photobucket getting greedy I can't make this out for sequence...before someone mentions doing search .. :)
How to replace upper intake manifold gaskets

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They do NOT have my year....tried 98 too and just transmission manuals...

Also, Is it mandatory that I replace the injector o-rings when I replace gasket under fuel rail (and sequence and torque for torx studs ? )(Surely not a bad idea but usually necessary?? )
P.S - Found info for sequence/torque for top nuts.
And to reiterate my 95 kit did not have inserts....(circled in red)......did the 95 not have those...gasket alone all that's needed.... ? I know I'll find out when I get it apart tomorrow but pre-info would be good...



all i can find is a 96 i hope its the same

View attachment 177346 all i can find is a 96 i hope its the same
That pic is illustrating the lower manifold tightening sequence - 8 bolts not 6....
The six stud sequence I'm fine with emulating with top nut's the torque spec I'm more concerned with... I'm sure the same would be okay with that as well...but exact Ford recommendation would be preferred.

Factory service manual says 23NM or 17 ft/lb (which is in the range of what you posted).

Edit: Haynes manual says 1995 and earlier to 192 in-lbs which is around 21NM afaik.

Thanks Hacra...
Does your manual have the torque specs for the STUDS?...or is it implying with "bolts" as studs- same specs...? ...noticed the bolts/nuts wording...


only ref in my manual if it is wrong let me know i wil del it

For the studs i could not find any additional information, i'd go with 23 Nm or 17 lb-ft , but quick call to Ford might solve the problem.

For the studs i could not find any additional information, i'd go with 23 Nm or 17 lb-ft , but quick call to Ford might solve the problem.
Yeah ....I'm pretty much ready to go with that.... know of mechanic who's familiar with older Explorers - going to swing by there and inquire...thanks.

I find it odd any sequence would start from the outside bolts are work's normally the other way around.
