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Photos Return from Corral canyon.

All three of us said we wanted to go back, and soon. Let's get a trip together!

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hows end of may sound?

DB_1 said:
Looks like a helluva day out there despite Bill's carnage, we should plan another trip out there in the summer if it doesn't get to hot out there.

It gets very hot out there in summer, too hot for camping.

I made it through the mud pit just fine.

I washed it today and when I was finished, there was a very large mud puddle in the rain gutter on my street........he he. I had to wax it because that mud left spots on the paint, and I wanted to wax all the tree rubbings out of the paint.




oooh, that rock looks fun
what is the nearest town to this trail?

Nice try Matt :D


The mud pit before that I drove around to avopid getting stuck. This one I tried just for the heck of. I was about 99% sure I was going to get stuck. As soon as the rear tires got into the mud the truck just stopped.

Jefe said:
You think I WANTED to work on sunday? I would have loved to be wheeling with you guys. Glad you guys were able to get Bill fixed up so fast under the circumstances. :thumbsup:

We knew if you could have been there you would have. I think as soon as I looked at the radius arm the first thing I said was " Where is jefe with his welder when we need him"

There is defently enough wheeling to make a nice overnight camping run worth it.

rino351 said:
oooh, that rock looks fun
what is the nearest town to this trail?

Campo California is maybe 5-8 miles south of this area. It is right by lake morena and the honor camp prison/jail place that you drive by on the way in.

RangerX said:
All three of us said we wanted to go back, and soon. Let's get a trip together!
410fortune said:
hows end of may sound?
I'll be ready this time. No more surgeries for me anytime soon. :thumbsup:

Don't forget kids we have Calico next month...and we still need to do Big Bear.... we always do BB in the spring! :(

ah Big bear, maybe it will snow again?

End of May is no good for me brother is gonna be in town from Washington for that weekend.

tried to rinse the mud off the truck this morning and it already stained the paint. I leave for kentucky tommorow so I wont get to try and wash them off more. Looks like my truck will be partially camoed now. Add to the list of mods a raddle can spray paint job to the truck. I am thinking that desert sand camo tan color. Just solid that color. If we do a run out there again I will be up for it if I haven't started to disassemble my truck to do the SAS

Looks like fun :D Any idea how far this place is from Phoenix?

Rick said:
Looks like fun :D Any idea how far this place is from Phoenix?

300 miles give or take. Campo is probably the closest town that would show up on mapquest.
