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Return from Gilmer Run 10/18/03


Explorer Addict
March 21, 2000
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Rockwall tx
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 XLT
Pictures from Gilmer Run 10/18/03

One word...WOW. First, thanks to SVO, Trckmagic, Dejello, and of course BJ, for the extra eyes and patience.

I love my 2wd...4.10 with locker.

the trails was too much fun, especially the part when we climb the mountain of red sand. i had to be pullout out quite a few times at the end of a few trails because of no front wheel drive. many times i had doubt of a few passes but wuth the watchful eyes of svo, trckmagic and BJ, it all went pretty smoothly. now, i just need to get the front realign...pulling to the right.

pictures to come this afternoon. at work right now.

Thanks again, guys!

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i most of my pics are of your ****. PM me your email and i email it to u... video clips too.

Link doesnt work.

link fixed. glad everyone made it home in on epiece.

Great pics. Man, looks fun. I'd love to come out with you guys sometime. Well, that is if I can make it all the way over there, wheel, then make it back to El Paso in one weekend. Oh, that and as long as you're willing to put up with a 2WD. Maybe I'll just wait till I get my winch...

Ah, all cleaned up and damn, my shoes reek! Swak, I like how most of the pics of me are the truck having problems, lol... Lemme see about getting my huge list of pics to post here..

Brian, sorry for not getting those pics of the purple people eater you call a daily driver

Jeff! glad you made it! And for everyone's sake out there, yes, there are three white explorers in those pics :)

Dang, pics look like fun. I really wish I could have made it out there but gas alone would have killed me. Maybe next time it will be a little closer to home.

Originally posted by dejello

Jeff! glad you made it! And for everyone's sake out there, yes, there are three white explorers in those pics :)

*cough* 2 white Explorer's and a white Navajo. ;)

Originally posted by Texplorer
Dang, pics look like fun

All was great till the International Scout rolled end over end, that had us all pretty tense for a while!

Dejello, wish i could had sit back and take pictures all day long. only time i can get my cam out was when i was not running. :)
i am sure there are plenty of pics from jeff showing how i get pulled out so many gazillion times. i am sure i was pushing all of brian's buttons.
hey jeff, where are the pics?
DocVijay, 2wd, they are fun. but also, make sure the others dont mind pulling u out. and a locked rear is super cool. we climded a little mountain of clay about 30-40 feeet high and i feel so good that my 2wd made it up..twice.



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only 1 jeff? u are teasing us. show me some of my 2wd action. lol.

Originally posted by SVO
*cough* 2 white Explorer's and a white Navajo. ;)

Oh yeah, that's right.. Your's is the ******* child that ford renamed :) Anyway, hmm... lol.. the three pics i took are of that hoe

1 nasty hoe


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2 nasty hoe


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3 nasty hoe.. no mo' hoe (well, pics from me anyway :))


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So come on jeff, what's up with those pics?

Hey, Jeffrey!

PICTURES.............. I am falling asleep waiting to see these. I am off to bed. Maybe I will see them in the morning?

Originally posted by SVO

All was great till the International Scout rolled end over end, that had us all pretty tense for a while!
Did he have a roll bar. The pics almost look like he didn't.

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He had no roll bar nor was he wearing a seat belt!
