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What is the story on that brass Explorer?

That thing is bad ass!

I wish I knew and I was there never saw the X out there guess i need to pay attenion:confused: Saw some other X's out there over the weekend but not that one.

the story behind that ex? i wish i knew. white 96x was trying to find out about it a while back from what i've heard, it might to be built be a first gen with a second gen body. only saw it once. when me and blackgoblin were stuck a few badass prerunners/trophy trucks drove by along with that explorer.

matt on your buckets, like rockranger was saying, just cut the sides off the buckets and weld 1/4" plate on the sides. like these buckets


weld thick side plates like that to the stock bucket, i don't think they would ever bend again :thumbsup:

Damn RJ is the above the pic your new front setup?

It's easier said than done. You want to do it for me? Your welds held up on your truck. :)

sure i'll do it for you. or i can cut it and tack weld it and you can get someone with quality welding skills to weld it. just need to bend your bucket back straight. thats why i don't want to deal with "fixing" my buckets, because they're way to bent, and to get some new stock buckets would be silly, since it would make more sense to me to make completely new buckets. but yours are able to save.

thats not my new setup :p: i could buy that guys buckets though. still trying to figure out what im gonna do. i have an idea, just not sure if it'll work and i don't want to say what it is :D

i plan on keeping dana 35 for a few years :(
