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Photos Return From Moab

I took a film camera and still have not got it developed :) I didn't get the tip over on film though due to a sudden feeling of getting it back on the ground :)

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It was a blast! I was a good experiance getting to roam around moab with locals who know where all of the good stuff was. Being able to take our time and hangout made it that much better. Thanks to Clint, Pat and Mr. Stage West. Rubicon next summer? RobbieJ

Clint, Glad you had a good time, sorry you had the bad luck though.

Very cool, I see you got a couple pics of petroglyphs, I remember those when I lived in Albuquerque.

Robbie I talked to Brandon and he sounded like you guys wanted to take a Rubicon trip :) I am all for it if you want to go. I am glad to have wheeled with you guys and had a great time. Talk to you later.


Mike the only bad luck I had was the other big dawgs thinking they knew what was best for me. Oh well ;) I think you should get some 33's so we can strike out on our own around here in the mean time :) :) See you later Mike.


Whoa, hold on there

I'm sorry it came out with that impression to you. I think part of it was that you said you changed nothing after pulling your driveshaft on the very first obstacle of the weekend, and every single time the Explorer group has taken on Golden Spike something major has broken and the group has come home in the dark after a very long day on the trail dealing with breakage and stuff. Any concern expressed was for you and the group to have a good time instead of one marred by a bad day on the trail. After you insisted that your vehicle really was okay, that was good enough for us, you did get in line with the Golden Spike run, and we all thought that was what you were doing with us and we accepted your statement and took off to the trail thinking you were with us and we didn't disagree with you at all. Until reading your post just now, I didn't know why you chose not to stay up with us on Poison Spider Mesa.

The bottom line is that you broke on the very first obstacle of the weekend. Golden Spike is a VERY long trail with uncountable dozens of ledges much tougher than what you broke on; and it would have been irresponsible, imprudent, and even unsafe not to question and make sure that a vehicle is capable of running that trail before getting on it. Any concern expressed was for a very good reason - so that both you and everyone else have a great day of runs. Asking the question is what is best for you - whether you want to believe that or not - and best for everyone else too. Once you insisted that it was a freak accident, we did take you at your word and assumed that you were joining us on Golden Spike (especially since you got in our line - no one told you not to join that line) and were happy to have you along.

I am sorry for the unfortunate interpretation and miscomunication you seem to feel we had towards you because that was not the case at all.

Golden Spike

photos by Rick

Day Two: Saturday, Oct 25.

Meeting up at the City Market, we decided to split into two groups, with one group going south to tackle Elephant Hill and the BigDawgs headed out for a full day on Golden Spike.

Golden Spike consists of three trails (Poison Spider Mesa, Golden Spike, and Gold Bar Rim) and has always presented an exciting challenge to the Explorer Moab Run. Each year something has broken on someone’s vehicle, and this year was no exception. It is a full day of wheeling in the first place, and with breakage delays, it is sometimes dark before we make it back to town.

As the BigDawg group lined up, it soon became clear that the amount of vehicles had grown tremendously. If I remember correctly, the line consisted of myself, then Rick, followed by Kevin (DiffWhackDaddy), Derrick (Positive Vibes), John and Jeff in John’s J**p (Brother_Of_Jefe and Jefe) , RobbieJ, and finally Clint (HVACman) followed by his friends in two more Jeeps.

A Jeeper Jamboree was going on in Moab this weekend, and as we approached the trailhead, we were presented with a view of about 30 Jeeps lined up in the staging area – if we got stuck behind them, we would be spending the night on the trail! Rick got on the CB and yelled “we are not stopping we are not stopping to air down and lock hubs!”. We got in front of the group and fortunately ended up having to follow only four capably built Jeeps, so we avoided getting stuck behind all of those rigs. We did take the time to stop at the little girl’s grave on the High Speed Mesa section and toss our quarters on it for good luck on the rest of the run.


Rick makes it look easy like usual *yawn*

Shortly after starting on Poison Spider Mesa those in the rear of our group began experiencing various problems and by the time we passed the Wedgie our group had split into two groups: those in front continuing on to try to finish the run, and those in the rear breaking off of the run and going back to run another trail.


DiffWhackDaddy in the Wedgie

Rick led most of the rest of the trail, followed by Kevin, Derrick, and myself. John and Jeff got caught about four vehicles behind us but soon caught up to finish the trail with us. Rick kept us going at a very quick pace for the entire rest of the day. He stated that he was merely running at a comfortable pace for his vehicle, but that pace was among the fastest that I have kept up on a run in a long time, and I snapped very few photos this day as we sped through the trail. My belief is that Rick kept remembering the very long days that he has spent on this trail and didn’t want to get caught on it at night again, but he wouldn’t admit that :D As it worked out I am grateful because we ended up back in town in plenty of time to shop for tshirts and souvenirs before the group dinner – as I recall, we finished very early for a Golden Spike run, sometime around 4:30 or so!


Positive Vibes on the Launch Pad

Earlier on we thought about doing the run backwards and Kevin had asked whether the ledges went up or down. They go both ways no matter which way you take. Golden Spike remains my favorite trail in Moab – at the edge of my vehicle’s ability, but consistently tough wheeling all day long. I did forget how long you spend offcamber – most of the day is spent leaning left and it does get old after awhile.

The breakage fell on Derrick this time - he lost his left front brake line. It was midday so we took our lunchbreak during his repair to save time. Kevin had a spare brakeline that Derrick installed while the rest of us were entertained by a vocal raven that watched over us and gabbed the whole time, emitting sounds I’ve never heard from a bird. In addition to the normal cawing sound of crows, at times he sounded just like a pig and other times like a frog.

Alas, Kevin’s brakeline ended up lasting only a short distance and we were once again faced with a vehicle in the middle of nowhere and no brakes. We resorted to the old trick of clamping off the bad brakeline with a pair of vicegrips. Amazingly, it held for the rest of the day, and Derrick finished the trail with three functioning brakes.

Golden Spike has uncountable challenging ledges, so many that none stand out in memory – except for one. There is one ledge that has to be decended while very offcamber to the left, and as soon as your front reaches the bottom of the ledge, you must turn right to climb back up to the right, forcing you even more offcamber left. There is no room for any error - you must take exactly the correct line or you will lay it over. Of all of the ledges, I had remembered that one, and it is the one obstacle I fear on that trail. Char spotted every one of us perfectly through that obstacle and once again proved to me that she is one of the best spotters (if not the best spotter) I have ever had help me. I can count on one hand the number of spotters that I truly trust without question or hesitation, and she is at the top of that rare group. Thank you again, Char.


GJarrett on one of Golden Spike’s countless ledges

We found a group hanging out at the Golden Crack and had no problem showing off what an Explorer can do while cruising easily through it. We kept our quick pace and before I knew it, we had bypassed Double Whammy before I even realized we were there. I wanted to do it again and Kevin had never been to Moab yet, so I thought he should experience it too - but Rick and Char wisely reminded us that obstacle breaks things and both Kevin and I had a very long drive home after the weekend was finished. So this trip, we skipped the Double Whammy. What the heck, next time we'll do it, Kevin will just have to come back again :)


Our token J**per Brother_Of_Jefe walks through the Golden Crack

As we ended the Golden Spike leg and began the Gold Bar Rim trail our group once again became a rescue service for another person. It seems that we always get a chance to help someone while we are at Moab – I remember one injured woman bicyclist that we had brought down off of a trail during a previous run, and I know there have been other instances that our Explorer group has helped others during our time in Moab.

I was leading at the time, and was approached by a motorcyclist (later we found out he was Tracy Evans, a competitive rockcrawler) who asked if I minded being a rescue vehicle. Mine was fairly full but Kevin had a spare passenger seat. Another one of the motorcyclists (named Chris) had broken his collarbone and was unable to continue further. Rick had a sling and coldpack so we did our best to stabilize Chris and loaded him into Kevin’s passenger seat and proceeded on.

As Kevin followed me down Gold Bar Rim, there was one challenging ledge that I took particularly hard going up. Kevin’s new passenger, already in pain with each bump, watched me and moaned to Kevin, “ohhh, this is gonna hurt”. Kevin took a better line up the ledge and eased it through, generating a grateful “thank you” from Chris. :)

As we finished Gold Bar Rim the motorcyclists passed us to give Chris his wallet and insurance, and Kevin took him to the ER as we returned into town. After dropping Chris off, Kevin and I joined the others on Main St for a visit to the Moab T-Shirt Shop for the traditional tshirt purchases designating the new trails we had run. All in all, we made great time, and one brakeline was a cheap price to run my favorite Moab trail.

Our group dinner this year was at the Fat City BBQ, where it had been in 2000 when the group dinner gave Ray Lobato and me a birthday party. Fat City BBQ had moved two doors down into a bar and the reservation did not work out very well – I seriously doubt if we will ever bother giving them business again :rolleyes:

Originally posted by hvac man
Mike the only bad luck I had was the other big dawgs thinking they knew what was best for me. Oh well ;) I think you should get some 33's so we can strike out on our own around here in the mean time :) :) See you later Mike.


Actually I was thinking about the general welfare of the group as a whole. I didn't assume that I knew what was best for you.

When leading a run you must make decisions for the group. I made a few decisions and made a suggestion that was obviously unpopular. First I asked if you thought you should bring your Sport on the Golden Spike. I asked what you had done to fix the problem of having the driveshaft pull apart and you said you just put it back together and did nothing else to solve the problem of why it pulled out in the first place. To me just because it never happened before doesn't mean it will never happen again in similar circumstances I have had enough problems with my truck over the years to know that problems will sneak up and bite you in the ass when you A. have the least amount of time or B. have the least amount of money or C. both.,

Golden Spike is nearly 20 miles long and it's supposed to take 8 hours when all goes well... Things don't always go well. I broke a track bar mount the first year that I tried the trail, last year someone broke a radius arm. Problems like those cannot be foreseen, so if you KNOW there is a problem with a vehicle BEFORE starting you really don't want to have to deal with the possiblity of that persons known problem becoming a problem for everybody.

My next decision was to pass the group of 20 or more Jeeps which were parked at the staging area and then the next 5 Jeeps that were ahead of them. As anyone who has ever run Golden Spike knows it sucks to get stuck behind large slow groups.

Somehow the rear of the pack didn't stay together with the front. I don't have a clue how that happened. After we climbed the waterfall on Poison Spider we saw 2 other Explorers come up behind us and we were on our way... No one told me until later that the rear of the pack had broken off.

I do apologize for the miscommunications and hopefully we'll do better next time.

Come to think of it Gerald I do lead at a fast pace... I got FAKRWEE through Judgement Day in 2 hours when we ran it alone. When we ran it with the AZ Run it took 12:eek:

Gerald drove back into town to pick up bearings and a seal while we waited with Kevin on the trail.

How far into the trail was this?

Gerald your rig must have gotten quite a workout having to drive that trail 4 times in one day:eek:

It was a little over a half mile from the trailhead and already past the two major pucker ledges so I didn't have to deal with worrying about getting past those (though the rest of the trail wasn't a picnic either). It took 20 minutes each way to run that last half mile alone, plus driving time into town and back, so the rest of the pack had to wait awhile for me to return. BTW, I made it to the NAPA store just 10 minutes before it closed, whew!

Originally posted by Rick
Come to think of it Gerald I do lead at a fast pace... I got FAKRWEE through Judgement Day in 2 hours when we ran it alone. When we ran it with the AZ Run it took 12:eek:


btw, a droveshaft pulling apart means it's too short and should lengthened, for it will do it again.. and again..

Rick, does your trail speed have anything to do with still having one of the most capable yet comfy rigs? Nah!

Though I never had a problem keeping up :D

Glad y'all had a good time! I'm still keeping tabs on the calendar in case I can ever drive out and ride along. The VW is great on the highway :p

Originally posted by tdavis
btw, a droveshaft pulling apart means it's too short and should lengthened, for it will do it again.. and again..

it's true, mine dropped three times before i lengthend it, and haven't had the problem since. it's cheap to have it done too, place I took it to did it for about 80 bucks.

Originally posted by Alec
Rick, does your trail speed have anything to do with still having one of the most capable yet comfy rigs? Nah!

Though I never had a problem keeping up :D

Glad y'all had a good time! I'm still keeping tabs on the calendar in case I can ever drive out and ride along. The VW is great on the highway :p

Alec you're always welcome to ride along in the Pumpkin;)

Thanks Rick, I appreciate it! Though I'd have to fight Char for shotgun :D

WOW, is that what it means when a driveshaft comes apart? (Sorry for the smart ass comment tdavis and TwoToneX.)

Rick, Gerald, I'm sorry that it sounds like I'm just trying to be an ass but I have built several vehicles from the ground up including my own. I know a little about my truck and what the problem areas are. I also want to say that I would not even think about going on a trail run with other people if I thought there was any posibility I couldn't make it or if I thought I was going to have mechanicle failure.(which is always posibe no matter how ready you think you are for a trail) I have run almost all the trails in moab and know what I am capible of so I'm sorry we butted heads. I really decided to not finish the trail because I know it takes 8-9 hrs of pushing it hard to finish Golden Spike and it was already 9:30 when we left for the trail. I just went down to relax for the weekend, not power wheel through everything. I did have a great weekend and thought it all worked out fine. I would love to wheel again with the explorers when there is more time for sight seeing and BSing which is what I go wheeling for anyway. I hope this little trip to Moab didn't come between us being friends on the boards and the next time we all hook up and do it again.

Thanks and sorry,


Originally posted by TwoToneX
it's true, mine dropped three times before i lengthend it

Sheeit... when I put the OME springs in mine the driveshaft pulled apart inside my garage while trying to back out. I had to get it lengthened before I could get it out the door.:confused:

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well I wish I could have made it, but with the SAS, loosing ne job and Brendan turning three that saturday , it just didn't pan out, but hopefully we can do another AZ or somewhere warm run soon! Glad everyone had fun and was safe.
