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Return from the Colorado Colors Run 09 - Ouray: Pics, Video and Reports

Great video coverage Gman! Thanks for taking the time, and buying the camera. :thumbsup:

You're just saying that because the videos are mostly of you! (I do make a couple of cameos, though.);)

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A little proof that I did Black Bear.

And yes I did add to my collection of pencils

Here are a couple of my pictures. Gregg, you are in most of my photos!

The third one is for Sherri...


  • Black Bear - Power house.JPG
    Black Bear - Power house.JPG
    129.8 KB · Views: 844
  • Trail and Mirror.JPG
    Trail and Mirror.JPG
    85.7 KB · Views: 2,143
  • Chipmonk.JPG
    112.1 KB · Views: 842

Guess I'll add to the carnage. When the rear sway link automatically disconnected, it took the lines to the evap canister with it. Nothing JBweld can't fix :D.

Also, my left rear tire looks something like this going down the road

not sure how that woulda happened but time for a rear end rebuild!! again....

Oh, Ted!!

...Jon, if you and Sheri could snag me one of those Black Bear Rd. t shirts, (without the heep), I would appreciate it...;)

What is funny is how both you, and even I remembered this conversation with the store owner.

Upon entering the store and asking though,not only did nobody have a clue what I was talking about-but I was treated as if I was being rude for asking , so, I started saying" where is this promise breaker? Does he still work here or what?"

Almost got myself kicked out, which is ok cause I don't want a jeep shirt anyway.


88comingup bought the one and only non jeep piece of clothing they had in the whole store. It was a ball cap.

...IIRC, he was the new owner of that store and was going to make a lot of changes as they had a lot of request from non heep owners...Maybe he left due to the poor winter economy...:dunno:

...IIRC, he was the new owner of that store and was going to make a lot of changes as they had a lot of request from non heep owners...Maybe he left due to the poor winter economy...:dunno:

No, I asked about that. Same owner--he just wasn't there.

Hopefully I made enough of an impression that he will remember us now--;)

Hopefully I made enough of an impression that he will remember us now--;)

...:eek:...You didn't kill his stop sign too, did you???...:p:

Wow nice adventure guys. You all really did live up to the name Mountaineer/Explorer. I'd love to do that , I just don't know if I got it in me to put my Ex through all of that. On top of it I'm skeptical how a stock suspension would fair out there! Anyways Nice trip and glad to see everyone was safe throughout it all!

Wow nice adventure guys. You all really did live up to the name Mountaineer/Explorer. I'd love to do that , I just don't know if I got it in me to put my Ex through all of that. On top of it I'm skeptical how a stock suspension would fair out there! Anyways Nice trip and glad to see everyone was safe throughout it all!

Ours did better last year on the 31" AT's and TT to be honest.

The stupidlift drop brackets, combined with not so stiff enough coils allowed a lot of hits to the front plow.

You would do fine there Thomas, well, much better if you had low range.

Time for a 4406 swap buddy. That is really all you would need to do.

Ours did better last year on the 31" AT's and TT to be honest.

The stupidlift drop brackets, combined with not so stiff enough coils allowed a lot of hits to the front plow.

You would do fine there Thomas, well, much better if you had low range.

Time for a 4406 swap buddy. That is really all you would need to do.

LOL I would love to do that and buy a set of some street tires to run in the summer:thumbsup: Maybe when my warranty runs out on my transmission! But that's good to know about the suspension. I dunno I just guess I would get a lil nerving on some of those cliff edges. I really am not experienced in off-roading well. I really would like to do more of that now!

LOL I would love to do that and buy a set of some street tires to run in the summer:thumbsup: Maybe when my warranty runs out on my transmission! But that's good to know about the suspension. I dunno I just guess I would get a lil nerving on some of those cliff edges. I really am not experienced in off-roading well. I really would like to do more of that now!

You got a whole year to get ready for this run. Would be a great winter project (4406) for you as well. There will be other runs closer to home to get used to off roading before this fantastic journey. Trust me, I worked for a year straight on my rig for this run. It was worth every bit of it to be a part of this experience. ;)

I have to say, I loved the Chipmunks they were cool!
Also ready to go again, but wife says no more far offroad trips until she goes to the ocean?? Hmm trails near ocean need ideas??

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Looks great. The sheep are refered to as a western slope traffic jam.
