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Yeeeeaaaahhhh! My truck got in a picture! :) And a nice one. :thumbsup:

's amazing how small that rock looks on pictures...lot's of killer pics there but that one of my dog is looks like she is

So I replaced my radiator that started leaking badly on this trip. Who knew that an explorer radiator, hoses, tensioner and belt would run over $400!!! and yes that's just the parts.

I missed the part where RJ hucked another hub, what was that story? That's about my luck on the old truck pre-SAS.

He was trying something over by the waterfall and DaBlam, left hub shot straight out, hit a rock and went straight up.

I forgot where we were at but a few had been playing around on a hill and everyone was backing down.

RJ rolled up and Tom ask if he was gonna do it.

Well not 20 seconds later he gets up there pulls a front wheen and the pow..... there goes the hub

Edit: AH colin beat me.... I did get it on video tho

...i missed it and i don't think anyone mentioned it yet but, wasn't it pcola that grenaded both hubs at the same time???...:eek:

...btw we picked the right weekend to do the run as it is pouring now and they are calling for rain till next tuesday...;)

...i am waiting to see more pics and videos...:popcorn:

...i know a bunch were taken on the night run and i know some one got a video of tom's zuk falling in love with that big ol' rock...:p:

Should have everything up by the end of the week or over the weekend;):D

...i missed it and i don't think anyone mentioned it yet but, wasn't it pcola that grenaded both hubs at the same time???...:eek:

...btw we picked the right weekend to do the run as it is pouring now and they are calling for rain till next tuesday...;)

Mud's fun. :) It's just the cleanup that's a *****.

Mud's fun. :) It's just the cleanup that's a *****.

I love going muddin but I hate what it does to paint :P I wish I had the money for gas to go out and play in the rain :D

I dont even want to hear it about the mud. Yll have the best wheeling that i have ever been able to see and enjoy.

I hate to say that i got some good video but i cant upload it yet. This comp virus is kicking my butt.

oh yes, i grenaded a hub. i didn't mention it cause i think someone has it on tape. was waiting for it to be uploaded. oh well it was a fun hub explosion. just pretty much florred it up some rocks, the front wheels went in the air and the truck started roling backwerds. the front wheels and the whole truck slammed down and the hub shot straight up in the air. it was the first time i actually sat there and watched my hub launch. luckily peter (pcola) was gracious enough to let me indian give my hub i gave him and we were all good for the night run :thumbsup:

i don't think anyone mentioned, but there was also a pretty cool group of jeepers at cj hill. and one with a four door jk climbed up the hill twice (after pcola showed everyone how to get up it first, of course)

Yeah its a good video of you and your hub. Can hear it nice and clear haha

They were a pretty cool group of jeepers. Nece and easy going.

pcola showed everyone how to it for sure

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Looks like someone was following you:p:
