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Return from Truckhaven Jan. 08

what song is that?

mmmmm froader and DB1's trucks bring happyness to my eyes

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DWD should be able to use those, thank you sir;) Still waiting for DB and Burns video to get here before I start on the actual movie;)

..i know 90ranajo has a bunch of pics and maybe video, that he hasn't uploaded yet also...;)

If i ever get my disposable video camera downloaded i would have video too. including Tom versus the hill which is 5mins long :confused:

the more video I get the better:thumbsup:

...i don't know if this will help but it's truckhaven and rick,char, and tom's navajo are in's from the newbie run...;)


^ yeah that's from the oct '07 run. I was tryin to figure out where my truck was, but it's not there because it was the first to go through that spot I think. I may have been leading that day:scratch:

These are also from the newbie run.. might be fun to put in the vid..


well the video is just spose to be from the a specific run:rolleyes: I could go back and make one for that run though

My video is almost in format for you Stic-O. It will be put in the mail tomm.

well the video is just spose to be from the a specific run:rolleyes: I could go back and make one for that run though

Whoops.. my bad.. I didn't notice that.. thought it was just truckhaven...


Whoops.. my bad.. I didn't notice that.. thought it was just truckhaven...


I have made one every year sense '04;) They are here on the website somewhere:D

Well since no else has posted it and i finally got my video camera downloaded
Here it is Folks the Truckhaven Xmas tree burn:D
it only a little late:thumbsup:;)

Haha, that fire was pretty awesome i think with all those christmas trees...until we realized the cobbler was in there somewhere.

Oh lol i got some good video of that haha

someone says "owwww hot" when it starts to get intense haha

my video is on its way to stic-o

I got another one coming in the AM or whenever YouTube is back up of TDavis and the hill:D

Here's Another Video

This Video is TDavis on one of the hills at Truckhaven and even getting some help from Diff Whack Daddy and 90ranajo!:D Audio Commentary provided by Exploderpilot,Tbars4 and Burns;) Enjoy
Video is 5 mins long:eek:


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My video is almost in format for you Stic-O. It will be put in the mail tomm.

Got the video today, alot of good footage there my friend!:thumbsup:;)
