Return of ECX Paragon Trip 4-20-02 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Return of ECX Paragon Trip 4-20-02


Only rolled it once honey
May 1, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Culloden, WV
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 4d OHV
Just thought i would start this so we can all show off our photos to the rest of the board. I had a pretty good time. Little slow starting off saturday morning but overall we had a good time. Looking forward to next time. Good to meet everyone and hopefully next time it will be a little closer to home for me, haha!!

Happy trails!!

My Paragon pictures

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Stop Pick on my truck with it in the garage.
I think next time I will bring a long an extra alternator.
So instead of about thirtenn runs and the alternator crapping out, it wouldn't.

On satuarday she took out her truck and she is no longer the PAVEMENT PRINCESS.
She hung with the best of us.
But Today (Sunday) she rode with lizardtrac
in the beast of a truck. She didn't ripe the ohh **** bar off because she ripe it off the last time. We all had a blast and we all have to do this again soon.


had a great time sat, wish I could have spent more time with you guys. Can't wait for the next run

Parli22, that sucks, I didn't realize you hurt that much on your truck.
Jot, how was the drive home with the bent tie rod?
I hope to see you guys on the trail again, I need to find a 4x4:)

Just made it back....sweet trip! When do we go again?:bounce:


Just wanted to extend my appreciation to JDraper for organizing the trip, and Spas for the PB&J, hit the spot on Sunday. Everyone was cool, can't wait to go again, I think Namitey is thing about doing a Powertrax down the road. Guess I better learn how to tear a rear apart.


LOL I thought you might have learned your lesson after you cooked the alternator =P. Was it the 4wheeling that destroyed your brains or was it the beer? or maybe it was THE TUNA!

This is your brain on 4wheeling:D , this is your brain on TUNA:hammer: :shoot:

Glad to see everyone is making it home ok. I rolled in about 3:45 and vegged out for a while. I'll get my film developed (us old school people who still use film:p ), and post the shots. Thanks to everyone that was there.


Shaun--it actually drove really well. We made the trip in about 7 hours and it rained about 3/4 of the way and she pulled strait, never had a problem. It was a little bit touchy since i had to remove the sway bar link from that side.

So what all happened today since i couldn't be there? Fill me in.

Happy trails!!

We did about a half day today. We started out by picking up a bone stock Wrangler as a tag along with a French couple in the truck. We headed over to the Mini-Rubicon, where everyone made it up EXCEPT the Wrangler!! A lack of any articulation and stock tires didn't help, as well as them not figuring out they were still in 4WD Hi. Once we got that straightened out, we went back down Turtle to the creek at Spare tire. This time we went the inner loop, and only Lizard, Myself and 2001ExpSport did the crossing. Chris got through with no problem, I followed and bent the lower bar on my brushguard pretty bad, and Matt followed, getting high centered on a stump. After about 6 attempts, Matt finally got out of the creek without being towed, but losing some tupperware on the passenger's side (didn't damage it, just removed it). We then went back up Turtle and basically called it a day.

So what happened with the ball joint and stuff on chris's truck?

Sounds like a decent day then. Next we do that trip i'll know to bring a couple more tools and some other little things i forgot. So what is the next trip? Anyone thought about anything? If i could get some people interested i could get one together in the crannberry glades. It is free!

Happy trails!!

Im guessing Tun.. Im mean Spas didnt kill chris. :D

Hi all... got home a little while ago... had a great time and it was nice meeting you all... The ride home wasn't as eventful as the ride there (thank god).... the tow was relatively easy and I am now confident that I can do it again.... I didn't have a hot camera like you all did....most of the pictures didn't work out.... I will post the few that did come out later on on my web page...

PS hhmm hey Chris.....Swinesbur......errrrrrr nevermind......


Okay, I've come to the conclusion that:

#1) Y'all are NUTS
#2) Be careful who you rent a trailer from
#3) ALternators + mud do not mix
#4) Stockers can KICK ASS on the trail (thumbs up to Willie!)
#5) Lizard has a serious cursing problem
#6) PBJ's are great lunch as long as you have somebody who can make them "quickly"
#7) Never EVER mention that you like tuna fish on bagels...EVER
#8) Trees have a tendency to jump out at unsuspecting Explorers
#9) Chris's and beer do not mix
#10) Hardwood floors + no heat makes for no sleep, LOL

Jeff, you neglected to mention that hilarious moment when Lizard used the high lift on Matt's X and it drifted DOWN the hill, INTO the stream backwards, and ACROSS the rocks, all with poor John as an unsuspecting passenger! That was funny! I loved hanging with you guys and I can honestly say that I've never laughed so hard in my life, but I AM NOT taking my X on trails like that again! I like my fenders in one piece!

im in for next time definatly.... i just didnt think id be all done by this time. i wanna roll with the big dawgs


Jeff, you neglected to mention that hilarious moment when Lizard used the high lift on Matt's X and it drifted DOWN the hill, INTO the stream backwards, and ACROSS the rocks, all with poor John as an unsuspecting passenger

Oh yeah did anyone get that on the video camera? lol I don't know if it exactly drifted.....seemed like it dived right back in poor John...I bet he thought he was just dreaming it as tired as he was...



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I got home sometime last night and didn't even make it to my bed before I fell asleep.

Trip report:
I had a great time. Nice to meet all of you guys and gals.
Very impressed with Spas and WilleChu. All stock, no damage. Had no trouble hanging with the rest of us. Great job guys!
lizardtrac and JDraper are even crazier than I remembered. :confused:
2001ExpSport is a pro, must have a lot of experience. Thanks for the ride along!

Damage report:
So far, only found a scratched running board. I hope it stays that way.

I only have a few pictures, but if they turn out I'll post them.

Thanks to everyone for a great time!! :bounce:
