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Return of the "newbie run" Truck Haven

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no worries, when i said it i was talking about black goblin parking his trailer 5 feet from an 8 foot tall fire, then throwing 1500 pounds of wood on it....

I got the other two videos off the camera. I can't get sound, I get a BSOD when I try to capture sound on that machine. I'll try on my machine at home and see if I can get sound.

If you want to see the "larger" sized videos.. you can get them @


...maybe we could get froader to work his magic and put some music to the video of the explorers in the ditches...:scratch:

man i can't wait to go back! i didn't know goblin had to get strapped out, good i like to share the the getting stuck spotlight. those ridges are scary!!!!! te one really narrow one we went across on saturday.... buhuhuh i couldn't see anything. all i could do was look out my window and keep mu wheels as close to te edge as i could on myside, cause i couldn't see the passenger side at all. i forgot to mention, seeing the jarrasic explorer made my life complete haha. i can't wait for the next explorer run, it's awesome meeting all the poeple you see on the board, adn its really cool when izwack comes all the way over here!

oh and maniak, good job on the rti ramp! i don't know how you did so well on it :rolleyes: im jelous.

also, the winds were pretty fun on the way home, don't know te mileage for the trip home, but the ride out was 17 mpg

oh and maniak, good job on the rti ramp! i don't know how you did so well on it :rolleyes: im jelous.

I was also impressed with how well it did on the RTI ramp. Those OME-36 rear springs really flex (not good for towing though). I bet if I messed with my front shock mounts I could get even more flex out of the TTB. Currently I only have about 3-4" of up travel on the shocks and more travel for droop. I have actually made by own upper shock bushing to get that much up travel. Those shocks are a few inches longer than what I had on before.

If I can get the front flex like your ranger, I'd be in heaven :)




rockranger ranger 68 109 623.8532
pumpkin pilot explorer 68 113 601.7699
maniak explorer 51 111 459.4595
jedimaster jeep wrangler 51 96 531.25
froader explorer 66 111 594.5946
black goblin explorer 42 111 378.3784
bronco bronco 45 103 436.8932
rj navajo 46 101 455.4455
mounty71 explorer/stock 5 111 45.04505
redranger ranger 36 125 288
t bars explorer 47 111 423.4234
dannyboy explorer 49 111 441.4414
stic-o explorer 57 115 495.6522

sorry for the delay this is a 30 degree ramp

...dang, i'll have to unhook my limiting straps next time...:scratch:
...and maniak, that's impressive...;)

On a 30 degree ramp the formula is distance(up ramp) divided by wheelbase multiplied by 1000. all measurements are at centerline of wheel.

Made it home about an hour ago. Spent the last few nights in the RV on Fiesta Island with 14 horses (daughter's horse "Three Times A Lady" included). Went to Mission Bay for a few hours, then got a phone call asking for help evacuating the horse ranch my daughter's horse stays at at 130am. Got back and moved the RV to Fiesta Island with the horses at about 4am. Minus a few scrapes, bumps and bruises, all the horses were returned to their stalls a few hours ago. I had no idea how much work it was to have 14 horses tied out all day and night. 180 gallons of water and two bales of hay per day! Then they get all grumpy when tied to the sides of horse trailers for hours on end and start kicking each other and people if you stand behind them too long.

We could have gone home yesterday afternoon, but the air was so bad we did not want to bring the horses back as it can cause permanant lung damage. Besides, it wasn't all bad; camping on the beach with horses to ride and great weather. Even when you have to evacuate your house because of a fire, you get to camp on the beach in San Diego. My parents were allowed to return to their house today, but are staying another night at Mission Bay because, well its on the beach and they are not kicking out campers at night right now.

Good to hear that you're back BKennedy.

But seriously, 14 horses!?! <-- crap! I'd give up on life if I had to take care of that many large overwhelming animals :D

Good to hear that you're back BKennedy.

But seriously, 14 horses!?! <-- crap! I'd give up on life if I had to take care of that many large overwhelming animals :D
Crap is Right! I forgot to mention they crap all over all the time. They have no manners. Lots of shoveling, but Sarah had that duty, I pulled rank. The hand watering was the biggest pain. Every few hours you have to bring them a bucket of water, which they enjoy splashing all over your shirt as they guzzle. Two of the horses were draft horses, combined weight of over 5,000 pounds. Since it was hot, there was no shade and no humidity, they would chug about five gallons at a time, every few hours.
But, horses are great animals and I would not have been able to leave those few people to take care of them. Besides, they brought Sarah's horse with them when they evacuated the ranch.
Turns out the fire never got near our house, or the ranch. When we were driving to Mission Bay from the ranch, I did see some huge flames on the hills near SR-52.

Glad to hear everything is going well for you guys Brian. Sounds like a hell of an adventure!

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I am glad you are safe and made it home. I went down to mission bay today to see if I could see your rig to give some support. But you were already gone.
