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Hello all,
Long time user and fan, but been a long time since ive been on. O did my SAS about 6-7 years ago and posted on this site. Ive been running it with no problems besides the normal breakage. Lately i have been itchin for a upgrade and came across some up grades. I havent been on for ever so forgive me if im in the wrong thread, but back in the day it was easy to navigate this site. But anyways i have started my rock well conversion. I have rebuilt both axles flipped the rear hubs, shaved the breaks, added pinion breaks, grizzly locked the front welded the rear. Bought hummer h1 double beadlocks with rockwell welded in inserts. Plan on running 47 ltbs. Im running the BTF single reverse triangulated converions with coils. So far here is what i got, i have alot of pics put on my phone so i have to send them on over.


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would love too Ive been getting **** from all my friends because I haven't gone yet. im trying my hardest, and working the best that I can, I would love to wheel it here and fine tune it and make sure nothing serious breaks before I go but if I have to go I will done it before and hammer down:salute:

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Little update got the traction bar done might need some fine tweaking. it runs so good in double low with the 6.72s a few pics for ya.:salute:


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That thing is massive! I love it:chug:

Thank you sir! I cant wait to really try it just a few more little things to make me feel better then I will try her out.

quick update my coils are over extending so I decided to weld a plate on top of my adjustable coil mounts and pulling the stop pin allowing them to lower 4 more inches at full drop for more travel. so now for some longer shocks or make adjustable shock mounts hmmmm ideas wondering through my brain.

Sorry to see you go buddy, but hopefully you got a few solid years of wheeling this beast!

Best of luck selling it!

All projects come to an end sometime. Fid luck with the sale.
