rounded 10mm rear caliper slide bolts | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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rounded 10mm rear caliper slide bolts


Elite Explorer
October 28, 2011
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLT v8

While trying to remove the rear caliper slide bolts from my 2002 explorer XLT v8, I wasn't able to get the lower one off. The upper was rounded but it came off with a 10mm star. The lower is so rounded that I can't get it off at all. I tried a vice grips and a pipe wrench. The vice grips didn't have enough grip and I couldn't get the pipe wrench on well enough to do anything. I am going to run out and get a can of PB and see if that does anything.

Are there any other suggestions?

Can I buy replacements for these slide bolts or do I have to replace the whole caliper?



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Get a bolt extractor kit at Harbor Freight or equivalent. Should back it right out. Caliper slide bolts are available at most auto parts stores.

try turbo sockets

Get a bolt extractor kit at Harbor Freight or equivalent. Should back it right out. Caliper slide bolts are available at most auto parts stores.
Thanks for the tip. I have a Harbor Freight close by here and I picked up a set of metric bolt extractor sockets for $23,
9-pc 3/8in metric bolt extractor socket set ($23)

I also picked up an 18" breaker bar for $8. The pair did the trick and removed the rounded off bolts very easily. I had to use a nail set to hammer the bolt out of the extractor socket afterwords, but that's pretty minor compared to a bolt that won't come out. I didn't even need any PB.

Now I just have to figure out how to get the new bolts, sleeves, and dust boots into the old caliper. These aftermarket parts are not so long on instructions.


Glad it work out for you. :thumbsup:
