Running Boards removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Running Boards removal


Active Member
March 6, 2007
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City, State
Lincoln, Nebraska/Herndon, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 XLT
I know this has probably already been discussed, but I am thinking baout removing the running boards from my 98 X. I heard there are some holes that show, are there any good ways to fill them or something? ANything would help. If someone had done it is it hard to remove them other than unbolting the bolts?

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not sure about holes, i'd just go to a hardware and get some of those round plastic things that clip into place

I had these plastic plugs in all the holes and I didnt like the way it looked. So what I did was cover the holes up with body tape and then sprayed on a bed liner where the running boards went.

With the plugs

With the bed liner



:thumbsup: that a nice solution
I took the drivers side board off on my '97. When I saw the truck look "incomplete" I put it back on till i could fab something. They dont go back on nice at all. the clip in toggles the bolt go in contort on the way out. anybody looking to remove should be sure they like it first.
Good mod...easy and cheap my two favorite ways to do things.
What kind of liner did you use. The spray on stuff or the heavy duty urithane types (herculiner, rino liner)?:salute:

yeahh... that's an awesome idea that lining, if it's like rhino, would look great.

it is just spray can stuff. If I were to do it again I would use a roll on kind.

home depot has them i belive..i didn't even use them on mine..i just used tape and then sprayed over the tape and it came out great.

i just removed mine recently. i also hacked off the bottom of my bumper. it's sweet. im not gona bother with looks since i rolled it a month ago and im getting a sport. having them and the bumper off really helped out in moses lake, the dunes were awesome.


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I had these plastic plugs in all the holes and I didnt like the way it looked. So what I did was cover the holes up with body tape and then sprayed on a bed liner where the running boards went.

Did you just put small pieces of tape over the holes or did you put tape all along the rocker area and then spray it? Also, what kind of tape did you use? I looked at the store today and saw auto masking tape and auto body tape that has an aluminum backing on it and that was about it. If you could provide me with a few more details, I will really appreciate it because I am looking to do this very soon.

I had these plastic plugs in all the holes and I didnt like the way it looked. So what I did was cover the holes up with body tape and then sprayed on a bed liner where the running boards went.

Did you just put small pieces of tape over the holes or did you put tape all along the rocker area and then spray it? Also, what kind of tape did you use? I looked at the store today and saw auto masking tape and auto body tape that has an aluminum backing on it and that was about it. If you could provide me with a few more details, I will really appreciate it because I am looking to do this very soon.

I put a small peice of tape over each hole. I used aluminum body tape. If you have any more ? just ask


Thanks for the help. I got my done tonight and it looks pretty good. I just used the aluminum body tape like you said and then masked off everything and sprayed dupli-color spray-on bedliner. I hope it holds up well.

got any pictures of the finished production? i have been thinking of doing this now that i took my "side skirts" off.

No pics yet cause it was dark when I got them finished and everything. I do not think I can post pictures on here since I am not elite?

Mounty 09, that tape idea you did looks great, i've been thinking about blacking out the rocker panel too. I just left the holes open for 3 years now and it seems to be fine.

aeaglenfitch, i like the way your mounty looks with the bumper trimming. I did it to mine a few months ago and i just can't believe i waited so long to do it, it looks great. I also only had 1 fog light that was barely hanging on by 1 of the 3 screws anyway so i didnt worry about losing those.

I've been thinking about removing my running boards a while back and i finally came upon something that looks great. I did you idea with the bedliner and it looks great. I want to thank you for comming up with this great idea.

I had these plastic plugs in all the holes and I didnt like the way it looked. So what I did was cover the holes up with body tape and then sprayed on a bed liner where the running boards went.

With the plugs

With the bed liner


I love the way this looks. i have a 2000 mountaineer that i have been dying to take the running boards off of. i saw your suppose to use the auto body alluminum backed tape. but... i happen to have a can of matching body color do you think if i just used that over top of the tape/ frame after scratching it up a little it would work? or should i roll on the body liner and then paint over it (i have a light green/ grey color)? thanks

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Mounty 09:
Have you lifted your truck at all? I can't tell if it's just the lack of running boards that make your truck look taller or if it actually is. I really dig the look. I'm thinking about taking the boards off of mine, and maybe replacing them with tubes. But yours looks really good without the boards. My '98 XLT looks really similar to your Mounty (color wise, obviously) and I was just wondering if that was the stock height.
