Sagging Mounty, Add-a-leaf or shackle it? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sagging Mounty, Add-a-leaf or shackle it?


April 13, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
North Branch, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Mountaineer 5.0 AWD
Howdy all!
I've been reading up on shackles and AAL's for a while now and I can't seem to make up my mind. I want to get the rear end of my 1997 5.0 AWD Mounty upright, not really lifted, just so it's not sagging. I read that someone installed the AAL's and has the Ranch RS9000 adjustable shocks. I don't want the ride to get too harsh and thought this might be a good solution. I'm not sure I like the look of the shackles sticking down too far either.
Clearly I'm at an impasse in making this decision.
Please help!

p.s. I would like to attach a picture but I think I need to host it elsewhere which I can do later.


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Shackles would be easier to install. I don't mine the look of the shackles hanging down. I won't go back to stock, warrior shackles are MUCH more stout than stock.

AAL is best if you just wanna stiffen up and stop sag, shackles are easy and give you more of a lift...

Shackles will keep the ride the same. AAL will make it stiffer.

Well my expirience (on my 95 ranger) with AAL's is that the long stiffer models make the ride too harsh, however I used a set of the shorter AAL that gave me about 3" lift( had sagging rear) and they were not harsh at all. In fact I think it made the rider better becuase it lifted the stock leafs up off the load bars which gave it way more bounce. That is just my expirience it may have a different effect on a newer vehicle.
Of course then I ended up putting on a set of shackles too. I needed an extra inch or two and that was the best way to get it.

Anyway I got the short AAL's from whitney HERE

but it looks like they are not available for the mounty..

They are not that hard to put on, the hardest part is getting the truck up high enough to remove the weight from the axle. Oh and you will want to spray your Ubolts down with penetrating oil to make sure they don't seize and break.

it took me about 2 hours to install mine, and 30 minutes of that was jacking the truck up high enough to get the weight off the wheels, man those rangers have some extreme sag.

Thanks for the responses!
I was just under my Mounty all evening tonight replacing brakes (pads and rotors) at all four corners. This was much more challenging than I would have hoped. That would not have been possible without my large three-jaw puller and my trusty BFH. While I was under there I found natures weld in great abundance. Whichever way I go I will be using plenty of penetrating oil and a good wire brush.
I'm leaning towards the warrior shackles but I worry that I'll get too much lift. I'm not looking to lift the entire truck. I've heard others mention the Autozone shackles and that they have more than one height setting. I'm not planning to do any off-roading (though it sounds like fun) so I would think that they should be strong enough.
BTW, I was looking at these AALs

Keep in mind a 4" shackle only gives you 2" of lift. So whatever length you add divide by 2 and that will give you the approx lift.
