SALEEN EXPLORER | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Explorer Addict
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Ontario, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 F150 SC 5.4
Saleen Explorers


hehe black explorer - i like the side stickers


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not being rude.. but is there a point to thsi thread? or did you just want to post some pictures of saleens?

LOL :rolleyes:

that explorer isn't black its green

no pics of engine? those would be nice

i must be colour blind

this threads just to show some pics lol


Originally posted by jssong
not being rude.. but is there a point to thsi thread? or did you just want to post some pictures of saleens?
Hey, we never need a reason to look at some X's. Especially Saleens.;)


Brandon did u start dreaming about the Saleens again ??

Let me Guess u want to convert one those to Nat. Gas:p

Just messing with ya dude

Those are some kools X's i wouldnt mind one ...

but i would be afrade to drive it


but i would be afrade to drive it
I think I would just park it, stare at it, and drool.

Originally posted by hrbib21
I think I would just park it, stare at it, and drool.

What's wrong with you guys? I'd drive the hell out of it! :D

now i know whats been missing from my x. all of that.

Originally posted by onelasttry
now i know whats been missing from my x. all of that.
You got it.

mmmmm...... :drool:......... big brakes


  • sal-2.jpg
    24.9 KB · Views: 223

Originally posted by james t
mmmmm...... :drool:......... big brakes
Yeah, I noticed that right off. I want those rims, too, only in chrome. I guess they're Cobra R's?

nope, they're Saleen's.

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There is a lot of wrong information on that site, like a 4.0 V6 in a Saleen, um no.
