Saleen XP8 For sale in Dallas - $8k | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Saleen XP8 For sale in Dallas - $8k


Staff member
Elite Explorer
June 3, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Austin, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
OBD-1 Kenobi

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Looks like some bs body kit to me. Rear bumper is crap, skirts look a little off too.

That is the Extreme Dynamics rear bumper. It is hideous. The sideskirts look original though

Without an original saleen rear bumper cover, the value of the truck is shot.

also no number under the drivers headlight. either someone made a clone, or the bumper was repainted

I saw and drove several of these when they were new and all of the ones I have seen didn't have the roof rack on them. Also I believe there is supposed to be a XP8 emblem on the rear tailgate on the right side.
