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Saleen XP8 Hood and Spoiler home - next step paint & install on Big Whit


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD

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very nice.
I just poked around for those hoods, and they seem to be really expensive.

Really great find! Can't wait to see final pictures. :)

Finally received the Pearl White Limited (Right Side & Left Side) Pin Stripe Kits from Ford along with (2) of the Prairie Tan V8 Fender Logos. Felt lucky as I believe the I was able to buy the last (I think) right side stripe kit available anywhere. Hopefully they don't screw up when putting it on after painting.

Big White will be off to the paint shop for a couple weeks here at the beginning of July!!!

The time has finally arrived. Big White finally left to the paint shop today. It should be there for about a week or so. In progress photos to come this week.

Well the hood was worked over the weekend and I have some updated photos. Since I seem to be limited to the number to attachments I can post to this site and some have mentioned the dropbox links are flaky - I'll be posting updated photos here for those who want to seem them.

PICS: Start of new project- Installation of Saleen XP8 Carbon Fiber Composite Hood and Spoiler on 2000 Pearl White Limited

The hood is coming along quite well. There were a considerable amount of inperfections from when it was made by Saleen that have been addressed. Top side is done and I believe the bottom side will start today.

Looks awesome so far.

Curious how hard it is going to be to mount the spoiler.

I've found several pictures of the mounting holes drilled and it seems like it should be a straight forward procedure. I'll be taking some pictures during that and other steps of this whole process.

Today the underside of the hood is being worked on.

I'd leave it. Looks great. A labor of love.
Nice to see the hood saved.

Its looking like all the hard work might pay off. Very interested for the after pictures. Looks like the XP8 has seen quite some road time.

The XP8 - 2000-0023 apparently did have a hard life. My understanding is that it was used up North - pretty hard winters and road conditions. It is always a shame to see a vehicle that is neglected like that. Fortunately some of the parts will live on by those who have purchased them like myself.

"I'd leave it. Looks great. A labor of love.
Nice to see the hood saved."

Times 2!! :thumbsup:

So today's update

Some disassembly of the front end. Test fit the spoiler - wing and started prep of the parts to go to paint tomorrow.

July 15th update - front end disassembly, test fit of spoiler

Its coming along nice. I am also having the front license plate bracket removed off of my front bumper and the ugly holes filled since it is being painted as well.

We checked over everything now that things are removed and no rust or other issues that need to be addressed while it is apart. Thank Goodness.

Looks good. Interested to see how that hood ends up.

Friday update

Just a couple pictures today. Some test spraying on the underside of the hood and refinishing on the wing - spoiler in preparation for paint next week.

Big White - Explorer Project Friday Update

Hi Jim, I just found this thread. Good work finding and saving those parts. Your truck will look good with those.

Wow, that old XP8 did have a rough life. What became of the truck, did the other pieces get saved too? I've toyed with the idea of possibly trying to find the side pieces, but I'm not sure if I'd like that better than the running boards I'm used to.

My 99 Limited needs some work, I plan to restore it again and make it look more closely like the original Limited(moldings, decals, hatch etc). Those 99-01's are among my favorites, subtle trim work. Keep at it,

Hi Jim, I just found this thread. Good work finding and saving those parts. Your truck will look good with those.

Wow, that old XP8 did have a rough life. What became of the truck, did the other pieces get saved too? I've toyed with the idea of possibly trying to find the side pieces, but I'm not sure if I'd like that better than the running boards I'm used to.

My 99 Limited needs some work, I plan to restore it again and make it look more closely like the original Limited(moldings, decals, hatch etc). Those 99-01's are among my favorites, subtle trim work. Keep at it,

Hey Don,
Yes the truck was pretty rough. Its funny because I saw his Youtube video (very funny I might add) about a month before he announced the availability. I remember thinking while watching about the possibility of purchasing parts.

I had the opportunity for the other pieces but passed as I am not interested in making a XP8 clone. I believe he sold them to another east coast party.

Hurry and get to work on that limited. It would be interesting to see a 2nd Gen (well at least part) with a 94 Green/Teal scheme.

I have 1 or 2 NOS green/teal limited logos if you get to that point. I still have the arm rest as well LOL! Oh, and the green floor mats as well.

Some updated pictures for today.

Did some test fitting of the Saleen XP8 Wing/Spoiler and Carbon Fiber/Composite hood. The hood was able to be lined up quite well on the initial test fitting and we were able to take some of the underside trim (the rubber dust strip ,etc) and mount it on this hood as well which gives it a "what would have been as stock" look.

The wing was mounted but obviously is going to be adjusted for flush fit with the gate. This was just an initial test to see how it is going to look and check a test spray of the White Pearl Clearcoat Metallic Paint for matching

Monday Update - test fitting of Wing and Saleen Carbon Fiber Hood

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Hey Don,
Yes the truck was pretty rough. Its funny because I saw his Youtube video (very funny I might add) about a month before he announced the availability. I remember thinking while watching about the possibility of purchasing parts.

I had the opportunity for the other pieces but passed as I am not interested in making a XP8 clone. I believe he sold them to another east coast party.

Hurry and get to work on that limited. It would be interesting to see a 2nd Gen (well at least part) with a 94 Green/Teal scheme.

I have 1 or 2 NOS green/teal limited logos if you get to that point. I still have the arm rest as well LOL! Oh, and the green floor mats as well.

Oh I missed that post. Too bad the truck is gone, I could want the side pieces.

I like the Dark Tourmaline Pearl of the 93/94 Limited, but I'm planning to change it to the factory 99-01 dark green. I liked those as much, and that color was very rare to see also.

Oh yes, while you are still putting together your truck, keep an eye out for a 2002(mid year on) to 2003 Sport. That hatch will bolt on, plus it has the wiper in the glass, and no holes in the hatch. A few members here have done it, and I think they got the wiring figured out well enough now. I'm hunting too, but rarely.
