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Saleen XP8 Hood and Spoiler home - next step paint & install on Big Whit

The rear bumper was started this week. Turns out you cannot buy the "Cyprus" bumper step pad for White Pearl Metallic 2nd Generation Ford Explorers (Code WF) nor bumper face bars - non-chrome with park assist cut outs.

Fortunately since the truck has been garage kept, the bumper step pad came off with no issues and the rust from the grit getting under the step pad seems mainly to be surface.

2nd Generation Ford Explorer Rear Bumper Removal for restore

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Jim, did you hunt for the bumper cover trim by the part number?

Most old or obsolete Ford parts are much easier to find using the actual part number(s). First find that and any variant numbers, and then slowly search online for them. Often you have to search many times, looking occasionally until it turns up. On eBay you can use automatic email notifications to alert you to new items. The search terms are the key, sometimes luck is involved.

Jim, did you hunt for the bumper cover trim by the part number?

Most old or obsolete Ford parts are much easier to find using the actual part number(s). First find that and any variant numbers, and then slowly search online for them. Often you have to search many times, looking occasionally until it turns up. On eBay you can use automatic email notifications to alert you to new items. The search terms are the key, sometimes luck is involved.

Yes have been searching by part number - but nothing.

Fortunately mine came off intact without issues.

Rear bumper face bar was cleaned up and primed - ready for paint

Rear Bumper Face Bar - cleaned up and ready for paint

Well done with the bumper, and keep looking too for any parts. The rarest items are very tough to find, but odd NOS things will keep popping up over time. I've gladly found a nice handful of NOS parts for my 72 Ranchero.

Well done with the bumper, and keep looking too for any parts. The rarest items are very tough to find, but odd NOS things will keep popping up over time. I've gladly found a nice handful of NOS parts for my 72 Ranchero.

Yes agreed - always looking to keep things on hand for the future.

Finally an update. The paint booth had some issues. Bumper is painted and some minor surface stuff behind the bumper was addressed as well

August 28th Update

The Mylar has been applied to the finished rear bumper. Hoping that several (mm's) of material will keep the grit that gets under the step pad from rubbing through.

Everything should go back together tomorrow.

September 1st Update

Well almost finished now. Only thing left is to apply the V8 Emblems to the front fenders and a full detail similar to what a guy did to another Pearl White Explorer Limited I read about at another detail forum

Here are a couple preview pictures before the detail

Almost done - preview photos

If you click the pics at that thread - they will open full resolution. Mobile just pinch to zoom.

Had some rain - so a bit dirty from the road grime - but looking much better after the drop

Included a before shot


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