Saleen XP8 Rear Swaybar back fresh from Powder Coat - ready for install on Big White | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Saleen XP8 Rear Swaybar back fresh from Powder Coat - ready for install on Big White


Elite Explorer
April 14, 2007
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'00 Ford Explorer LTD AWD

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Looks awesome. What size bar is that? I've got the full EE sway bar kit on my 96 and my god what a difference that made. Biggest difference probably came from the front bar because 96 was hollow but still, I'm sure the rear did a bunch too.

Pretty jealous, Still want to upgrade mine, but am holding off to see if I want to go higher... Clean Ex, you must not be from the midwest, lol.

Thanks.. Southeast... I really love the improvement in handling. I did notice the stock bar is thicker than the stock bar was on my 94 limited. The saleen bar is still thicker than either one of them.

Pretty jealous, Still want to upgrade mine, but am holding off to see if I want to go higher... Clean Ex, you must not be from the midwest, lol.

You're telling me. I wish my trucks looked half as good as that. So many good low mile trucks here (NJ/PA/NY) get scrapped. I see V8 AWD Ex's and Monty's in the yard all the time 80k, 90k miles but rotted to hell and they fail inspection so get scrapped.

Here's a pic of the rear bar off my 96 vs. the new EE bar that went on. I also did the front, but the size is almost identical so didn't take a pic, but the weight sure as hell wasn't (hollow vs solid). Truck handles like a sports car now and with the AWD I can actually take a turn. I just punch it and the thing claws its way around the turn, it's a pretty fun truck now. I decided not to lift my 96 like my 99 is, I kind of like the fact that my 96 can take a turn hard and I'm happy with the TT and AAL/Shackles.


Thanks for the pic. Was curious what an EE bar looked like.

Huge haha. I paid 500 bucks for my 96. Then paid $550 for the EE sway bars lol. I don't regret the decision.
