Scotty's Rangerunner Build... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scotty's Rangerunner Build...

Scotty J.

June 21, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Little Rock, Ar
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 Ford Ranger XLT
My wife's father died in October of 08'. He had a 2002 Ford Ranger XLT 4x4. She bought out her brothers shares of the truck and gave it to me and told me to have my way with it.

I've done a few "car" projects but never a truck.

My Miata:


I have since changed to Tein Flex Coil Overs at all four posts.


At the Tail of the Dragon:

At the TotD, I ran across a car that tore me up in the curves, it was a Mitsubishi Evo VIII. I was so impressed that I just HAD to have one LOL. After a few mods, it was running around 400awhp.


But as I said, I didn't know anything about trucks so I started reading articles and surfing forums. I ran across Four Wheel Mag's Project Rangerunner. It was what I was looking for, something with a low CG, but could hit some of the trails around here (not too much desert where I live). But give something that I *COULD* take to Pismo or Oray either one.

I'll Divide things up into stages that I have so far.

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The truck as I got it:

First I started with JBA Headers:

A buddy of mine owns an exhuast shop, he kept the stock "Y" and then custom exhaust from there back with Magnaflow Muffler.

Next was a 3" body lift:

Then some BFG TA 285/75/R16 and Cramar 16x8 Soft 8's:

Once the tires were added, it really started crying for a tint:

The Dixon Bros stuff is WAY expensive, it's going to take me a while to save up for that, but in the mean time I wanted to hit some trails. In fact, I'll probably go with the SuperCharger before the LT suspension. I figure completely done by summer of 2011.

Next, I had to do something with those ugly grey flares. Somebody had told me that Krylon Fusion works GREAT on that kind of stuff, so I went and bought a few cans and went at it.

Here is the back:




Here is one of the flares painted and the other the stock grey:

I figured while I had the cans out, I would do the grill as well, before and after:


Here are pics of the rear flares and the grill done:



Next was the front flares, I also pulled the front valance. A friend is going to add a winch box, light rail and skid plate. I will take all of that and the front bumper down and have it all powder coated gloss black:




Ater painting:




Today I removed the running boards:


As I was scrolling through your pictures, I was thinking to myself that I would paint the flares. I kept scrolling and you did. I then started thinking that I would remove the running boards. A few pictures later, you did that too!

You've done a great job with the truck. The only other things I would change with the exterior if it were mine would be the windshield banner and possibly the fender badges unless they're bolted on as opposed to double-sided tape.

Keep up the good work!

The only other things I would change with the exterior if it were mine would be the windshield banner and possibly the fender badges unless they're bolted on as opposed to double-sided tape.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks man, yeah I've been getting some "friendly flak" about the windshield banner LOL, maybe it IS a little too much. As for the fender badges, yeah they're though the metal, i thought the same thing.

I did see a cool thread on painting the blue oval on the grill black but keeping the lettering, I may try that.

Oh, I was going to add something to this thread so thanks for the bump!

Finally got my tune, if anyone has changed tire size, exhaust/intake and other mods, I HIGHLY recommend getting a tune. It was nice seeing the CEL light go off, the speedo is now accurate and the best selling point is the shifting! I haven't compared MPG yet, but i'm SURE that could be nothing but an improvement!

I'm not going to say anything bad about any vendor, I'm happy with what I got, but I'd have been VERY happy had I gotten it 60 days ago when I ordered it.

Oh, the front end stuff should be done this coming week. I picked up a WARN winch tray, my buddy is going to put it together with a light bar and skid plate then everything goes off to be powder coated gloss black. Of course pics to come!

I can't wait to see more pics.

Why did you have a CEL? Did you ditch your cats when you did the exhaust?

Why did you have a CEL?
I'm not sure, it gave me an option to clear so I did. It hasn't come back on but if it does, I'll see if I can pull the code.

Nice ranger scotty

Winch tray and light bar are done and the excess part of the bumper is cut off. Everything is currently at the powder coaters.






Your truck is lookin clean and real rugged! If you asked me though, I'd ditch the fender flares.

Your truck is lookin clean and real rugged! If you asked me though, I'd ditch the fender flares.
Thanks, it's getting there. I'm planning on a Dixon Bros LT so the front fenders will be pulled and replaced with fiberglass so no flares on the front. As you can tell by the pics above, they cover the unsightly holes they made to mount them LOL. We'll see what it looks like then, I'd have to find someone to cut on it or fix the holes. For now I'll just keep them.

Got the stuff back from the powder coaters today. They are currently at my buds getting "reattached" LOL:



Bumper and Tray:

that looks really nice man!:thumbsup:

That is one of my favorite Rangers I've ever seen. I do have one suggestion though. Pick up 2-3 cans of semi or flat black Rustoleum and hit your undercarriage with a couple coats. For less than $10, it'll pull the whole look together, imo.

Thanks guys, yeah I know I hate the rust, I do need to do something about it.

Whats the best way to approach it? I could just spray over the rust, or I could do it right and grind the rust off, primer it, hit it with paint then under coating. Or I could just paint over the rust LOL.

Here's the deal, I have very limited resources available to me plus I had back surgery in 2006, it's very difficult for me to spend more than about 15 minutes on my feet and if I'm turning a wrench, 1 hour and I'm on the couch. So I end up having to pay someone to do the work.

The guys who did this belong to a local racing forum that I'm a member of. It's a private forum consisting of like minded car/truck lovers. Minus the powder coating and universal winch tray, I've only been out $200.00 for this (well, I threw in a 30 pack of Miller Lite, A bottle of Jagermiester and 3 porter house steaks).

This went longer than intended, sorry for the long drama LOL. I "MAY" go with a Dixon Bros LT. If I do that, I'll be able to spend a little time getting that stuff cleaned off and painted while it's on the lift. If I don't go with the DBLT, it'll probably never get cleaned.

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No need to go crazy with it. It will have to be done again eventually to keep it up. Just wire brush it, wash it, wipe it down, and rattle can it. It shouldn't take long at all, & the finished look is a deff improvement. You will pat yourself on the back for such an easy job that makes a world of diff.
