Scotty's Rangerunner Build... | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Scotty's Rangerunner Build...

ive been meaning to get up to that little rock off road park, just havent had the time or been able to get enough of our members off on the same weekend. that and i have most of fort chaffee we can run for free :)
We used to be able to go to Camp Robinson, but 9-11 changed that, they locked it down. SuperLift is actually in Hot Springs, a pretty good haul from Ft. Smith.

You'll have to give us a tour of Chaffee sometime, I always like running new trails.

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went out and ran some trails at kerr lake today, mostly sand had a blast, got a noise from my right rear now. was hopping the jumps quite a bit. oh well, build it, wheel it, brake it, repeat! :) (btw i had just fixed the front end this morning)

would love to get all the ark explorer guys down for a run, show up the heep owners in my club! At chaffee we run old ww2 training roads, its like being in a world after ppl have gone, in other words i love it! (im just a bit weird)

Added some Aux lighting:





that looks pretty sweet. are you gonna tie that to the frame at all or just keep it bolted to the bed?

I love it, My Red Fx4 needs to look like this.
