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Section525 - Explorer V8 D44 SAS


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
For my 10,000th post I guess I will start my SAS registry now that the truck is done. :thumbsup:

Section525's SAS Build thread

'83 Wagoneer LP D44
JCW 5-leaf Springs (Stockers)
Detroit EZ Locker
Spicer 4.88 gears
Warn Premium Hubs
Rock Equipment Super Boy Howdy Fabricated Knuckles
Sky Manufacturing High-steer arms
Pro Comp MX6 Shocks

Stock 8.8 SOA
Sierra 4.88 gears
Detroit EZ
Spidertrax 5x4.5 to 5x5.5 adapters
Stock shocks

The Build

The LP D44 came out of a 1983 Jeep Wagoneer. I was there when the guy pulled it out from under the Jeep. It was nice to see the condition of the donor before buying the axle.

I began the tear-down of the axle and everything looked good inside. :cool:

I used TT Fab Works SOA perches for the D44

Here is the bare housing ready for hot tanking.

After the hot tank bath, it went into the blast cabinet to get even cleaner :eek:

This is what it looks like when it's cleaner than it was when the factory got it!

I built the front spring hangers out of 3.5" square tubing (.250 wall). That make the inside width 3". Good for any spring you would every want to run.

Make sure you cut the side off with the seam. Drill some holes. Round the edges and you have a nice spring hanger.

Looks like something you would buy off the shelf but for a 1/4 the price. I think these ended up with a cost of about $2 a piece.

For the front crossmember I used 4"x6" .250 wall tubing. I angled and capped the ends for bling factor.

Also to completely seal the crossmember so no water or mud would end up inside. :p:

I added some speed-holes to keep my top speed in the 140s.

Here it is mounted in place. There's pretty much only one place it can go between the body mounts and frame horns.

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I used some huge ass bushings from Mad4WD

Home-brewed shackles. I'm going to beef these up here shortly.

This is my shackle hanger for the front axle. The crossmember section is where the new skid plate will bolt to. It will also bolt to the new tranny crossmember shown below.

Tranny crossmember. About 8" back from the stock crossmember.

I used JCW 5 leaf springs. They're pictured next to YJ springs I was thinking about using. But were not beef enough.

Bling-ass Rock Equipment Super Boy-Howdy knuckles.

Brand new Ford 5-lug outer junk.

Sky Manufacturing High Steer arms (medium-high-steer).

4.88's in the rear. Still have to throw my Detroit EZ in it.

4.88s in front. Detroit EZ already installed. :cool:

Spidertrax 5x4.5 to 5x5.5 adapters for the rear.

Custom square tube driveshaft. 12" of slip. Able to be ran in rear as a backup.

More on the way. :)

I used an FJ-60 steering box which was a great choice because A) the stock power steering lines bolt right in, and B) you can use an Aerostar steering shaft to go between the wheel and the steering box.

Since I went to a three-ujoint shaft, I used a bearing in the firewall to hold the first shaft in place. Here is more information on the bearing.

This is what I did for shock hoops. It was a little tricky finding something that would work with the steering box being right in the middle of the frame.

[Photos of everything together will show up here tomorrow. :) ]

Awesome job dood!

Does that tranny crossemamember(intentionally misspelled) meet the requirements of bling?

Have you seen the new c-clip eliminator kit from superior? Dana 60 sized bearings and all. Your choice of 5 on 4.5 or 5.5. 4340 chromoly. Adds about an inch on each side. Its bieng sold for 560 bucks. The bearings and seals are already pressed in.

[QUOTE='97 V8]Does that tranny crossemamember(intentionally misspelled) meet the requirements of bling?

Have you seen the new c-clip eliminator kit from superior? Dana 60 sized bearings and all. Your choice of 5 on 4.5 or 5.5. 4340 chromoly. Adds about an inch on each side. Its bieng sold for 560 bucks. The bearings and seals are already pressed in.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. B2Dude and I were both thinking about the Superior kit. We'll see... :cool: far as the tranny crossmember. It is bling because it's art.. imitating life. Imitating B2Dude, actually.


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This truck looks incredible! Nice fabbing with those cross members. :D far as the tranny crossmember. It is bling because it's art.. imitating life. Imitating B2Dude, actually.

o god dude, you need to put the camera down. No more crotch shots of me, you said those were jsut for your personal use. ;)

And, just FYI, you said your front crossmember is 4x6, it is actually 2x6.

great job! whoever fabricated all of those mounts did a great job! clean welds. i need some measurements because i will be doing the same swap. pm sent.

o god dude, you need to put the camera down. No more crotch shots of me, you said those were jsut for your personal use. ;)

And, just FYI, you said your front crossmember is 4x6, it is actually 2x6.

So thats you then doing the shocker? lol :D

Nice work, how much do you figure you have in the build?


Hey lookin very good. i would like to know what type of spindle/brake combo you used.

Jonathan Burns

i would like to know what type of spindle/brake combo you used.
Section is out of town for the time being -- but theres a picture up top where the spindle is 6-lugged, which I guess means they are the Jeep/Chevy type.

Section is out of town for the time being -- but theres a picture up top where the spindle is 6-lugged, which I guess means they are the Jeep/Chevy type.

Ahhh jeeps/chevy parts are everywhere. lol :confused:

Yes they ARE everywhere .. and soon they'll be on your Explorer :D


Brand new Ford 5-lug outer junk.


I was talking about the spindle lugs/studs/bolts -- not the hub.

EDIT: yeah you're right Hyde, it is Ford.

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so he is running a chevy spindle with the rest being ford parts??
