Seriously confused now (what tranny do i have?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Seriously confused now (what tranny do i have?)


Well-Known Member
December 10, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
East Lansing, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
'02 XLT
Ok, as some of you might know, i had to get my tranny rebuilt (great job too). I told everyone i have a 95 with an A4LD tranny, some of you have said that i do not because it was last used in the 94's.

According to Ford i have an A4LD tranny, the tranny rebuild shop says i have a 4R55E, the last place that rebuilt the tranny before this (the one that basically did nothing but replace the intermediate band) wrote down i have a 4R44E...

Im really confused now, i tried to find the tranny tag, but cannot locate it, could someone point me in the right direction? And help me clear up the problem?


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Definitely not the A4ld.. its either the 44E or 55E.

I think if you have a 4cyl engine, then you have the 44e -- if you have the 6cyl engine, then you have the 55e.

But some1 correct me if im wrong, cauz im wrong often :D

IZwack said:
Definitely not the A4ld.. its either the 44E or 55E.

see thats really strange because all the stuff from Ford says that it is the A4LD, where is the tranny tag so i an confirm this?

IZwack said:

i searched around a little, and it might be different from the explorer to the ranger, but if i have a "T" code on my door under the Trans type then it stands for "A4LD"

After looking around a little more:
A4LD Code T (1983-1994) 4-speed Overall length is 28.687-inches
4R44E Code T (1995-1997) (2.3L & 3.0L 4-speed
4R55E Code T (1995-1997)(4.0L) 4-speed

Im still confused, because Ford (yes the dealership) says that i have the A4LD... could the have still put them in the early 95 explorers? Mine rolled off the line in early Feb 95.

Had a '95 Sport completed in March, had the 4R55E. I would assume that you have it as well. The easiest was would be to look at the upper intake. On the driver's side, towards the back, there's a vaccuum tube. If memory serves me right it goes to the booster. If thats the only one, you have the 4R, if there's a number of tubes from the one port, you have the A4.
