Serpentine belt length 1998 xlt 4 door w/ AC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Serpentine belt length 1998 xlt 4 door w/ AC


September 11, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
New York, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT 4.0 5-speed
Hi guys, having trouble figuring out what length belt for my 4.0 v6 xlt. I bought a continental that is 86.5 inches, and it’s too short, I’d say by at least an inch. Stock 98, not trying to bypass the ac compressor or anything, just need a regular belt. If anyone could tell me a part number or specific length would be great, thanks

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You must have an ohv engine. Rockauto shows the different part numbers for sohc vs ohv .

Continental numbers have a 86 and 88 in them depending. I bet that is a length reference

You must have an ohv engine. Rockauto shows the different part numbers for sohc vs ohv .

Continental numbers have a 86 and 88 in them depending. I bet that is a length reference

I always assumed it was an SOHC but I think you might be right. I bought it from After switching my vehicle to the Ohv it shows a duralast with length 88.25. Just from comparing my old belt to the shorter one, It did seem like maybe a 1.75 difference. Thanks !

Please post a picture of your engine showing front of valve covers.



Yeah, it's sohc you are correct . Did you compare rockauto part numbers to what you have?
Not yet I’ll check rockauto now. Something tells me that 88 is the right length. Maybe stupid question It wouldn’t make a difference that it’s a 5-speed manual, right? Thanks

I'm by no means an expert...but that looks like an OHV engine to me (same as mine).
Admittedly, I'm just sipping from my first cup of coffee this morning!

What is the 8th digit of your VIN????

Here's the breakdown of the engine codes:

8th Digit in your VIN

Engine Code
X = 4.0L OHV V6

X = 4.0L OHV V6
P = 5.0L OHV V8

X = 4.0L OHV V6
E = 4.0L SOHC V6
P = 5.0L OHV V8

E = 4.0L SOHC V6
P = 5.0L OHV V8

E = 4.0L SOHC V6
K = 4.0L SOHC V6
W = 4.6L SOHC V8

I got the above info from LMC Truck's Online Catalog for our generation of Ford Explorer.

I also just did my own thread about this last week - Serpentine Belt Sizing


Hi I just checked, the 8th digit is X. I seems you’re right. Which is good because I already ordered one for the ohv hoping it was correct. From what I can tell, the correct length for the 1998 sohc is 86.5 inches, for ours it’s 88.25 or 88.3 ( the one I ordered is 883K6 duralast from autozone. I’ll check out your thread now, thanks again

Yes, unless it's missing, the SOHC has a moderate sized plastic cover over it that reads SOHC, is pictured below. You need the longer 88.(n)" belt.

4.0L SOHC.jpg

Here is a picture of my OHV Engine

Ford Explorer OHV Engine.JPG
