Shock Advice Needed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shock Advice Needed


Well-Known Member
April 4, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bonita Springs, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 XLT, V6 OHV
I recently installed lift keys on my X and gained about 3” of lift. The stock length RS9000’s feel like they’re over extended. I see that Cherokee shocks use the same mount types as the Explorer with a stem top mount and a bar pin bottom mount. Has anyone used Cherokee shocks on their Explorer before?

The stock length Ranchos are 18” when extended and have 4” of travel. While the Cherokee shocks are 23” extended and have 8” of travel. I drive mainly on road and wonder if the longer shocks will ride a little softer. I’m using shock extenders on the rear, and can’t find front extended RS9000’s for the Explorer as they’re out of stock everywhere, leaving me with the Cherokee shocks as my only option. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks 👍🏻

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If anyone’s wondering. Cherokee shocks do fit on a 2000.

Cherokee shocks on the left (collapsed) Note the huge difference in body length for both shocks, the Explorer shocks body ends a little after the boot starts.

The mounting points are almost the same, with the exception being that the Cherokee lower bolt holes are 2-7/16” apart while the Explorer bolts holes are 2-1/2” across. But that wasn’t an issue as the Cherokee shocks have elongated bolt holes which allow them to mount to the X.


The difference in ride quality is night and day with longer shocks. The new shocks extend more but I don’t do any serious off-roading so I’m not worried.

Do you not have 4WD? The old shocks you picture are the style for 4WD versions, with the rod at the bottom in order to clear the front axles. If you don't have 4WD, there are full length tube shocks that were better for having the larger tube area, but of course that wouldn't solve your lift issue. Granted it wouldn't surprise me if Rancho didn't make the full tube version for Explorers, assuming that the 4WD/AWD vehicles were their primary target.

Good to know the Cherokee shocks fit, providing you don't have 4WD, unless you haven't ever made a sharp enough turn to notice them rubbing?

Do you not have 4WD? The old shocks you picture are the style for 4WD versions, with the rod at the bottom in order to clear the front axles. If you don't have 4WD, there are full length tube shocks that were better for having the larger tube area, but of course that wouldn't solve your lift issue. Granted it wouldn't surprise me if Rancho didn't make the full tube version for Explorers, assuming that the 4WD/AWD vehicles were their primary target.

Good to know the Cherokee shocks fit, providing you don't have 4WD, unless you haven't ever made a sharp enough turn to notice them rubbing?

Nope I’m 2WD. The 4WD versions of the RS9000xl’s are the only ones I could find when I installed them last summer.

Rancho seems to be scaling back or has stopped production for second gens. I couldn’t find the extended length front shocks for the explorers anywhere. Even eBay is out of stock.

This makes no sense to me at all, to go through the burden of raising it, and the accelerated wear on the drivetrain, for a vehicle that isn't taken off-road.

If you're good with it,, I am too, but this is silly. No purpose.

This makes no sense to me at all, to go through the burden of raising it, and the accelerated wear on the drivetrain, for a vehicle that isn't taken off-road.

If you're good with it,, I am too, but this is silly. No purpose.

Never said I don’t go off-road. You’d be surprised what my 3.55 open diff has gotten through, I know I am. Hey, I paid to modify it to my liking. It wasn’t a burden for me since I’ve loved working on this car since 2011. My plan is 5.0 and AWD in the next two years. But to each their own.
