Shocks bilstein or rancho? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shocks bilstein or rancho?


February 19, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Flagstaff, AZ
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Sport Trac
Its about time for new shocks for my '04 4x4. My buddies who all own jeep rant all day long about bilstein 5100 series. Do they make bilsteins for our truck? I've been searching good and haven't found any as well as searching through threads. It seems like a lot of guys on here love the ranchos. Opinions on either? I do moderate off road wheeling with my jeep buddies so looking for something suitable for my needs.

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I run Bilstein 5100s on my ST after the SAS/SOA so I run different types of shocks but I really like them for offloading because they work so smoothly. They are a little softer than the Ranchos but I like a firmer ride so that is my only complaint.

I have ranchos on my F350 and can't complain about them at all. They keep the tires planted even with the heavy duty springs front and rear.

I've gotten two pretty good years out of my ranchos. They're near their end though. I'm either going to bilstein (which I've always liked and had good experience with) or back to rancho. They're quality within their price range and worked. Bilstein and KYB have just always impressed me more than these Ranchos did.

Limited Lifetime Warranty (limited to qualifying Rancho® products only)*

Tenneco warrants qualifying Rancho® products against defects in materials or workmanship (except finish) when used under normal operating conditions for as long as the products are installed on, and the original purchaser owns, the original vehicle on which they were installed.
Hugh- I wonder if yours would qualify for warranty? What constitutes "normal operating conditions"?
After all, Rancho shocks are designed and intended for off road use. Wouldn't hurt to contact them. GL

You should consider whick shocks are mono tube (ie 5100s). Dual tube is cheaper but does not perform as well.

Mono tube is a great choice. I have the Bisteins on my 04 Ranger and 91 Explorer.

Hugh- I wonder if yours would qualify for warranty? What constitutes "normal operating conditions"?
After all, Rancho shocks are designed and intended for off road use. Wouldn't hurt to contact them. GL

Thanks Steve, I forgot about the warranty. I'll have to look into how you prove their not as effective. They don't squeak and they do still prevent rebound with the normal tests but they just don't "feel" as good, mostly in the rear.
