Shoe Creek Virginia | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Shoe Creek Virginia


Well-Known Member
September 25, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Richmond, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 XLT/'00 Jeep Wrangler
Heading to Shoe Creek VA today (2/10/12). Plan on riding all weekend rain ,snow or shine. Anyone interested in meeting up just call or text me.

(804) 244-1319

Shoe Creek Trail head GPS coordinates:
37' 47.263 N
079' 06.173 W

The trail head is near Alhambra, VA.

'92 Explorer XLT, 5.5" suspension, 3" body, 35" Maxxis Bighorns, Tow strap :D

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Heading to Shoe Creek VA today (2/10/12). Plan on riding all weekend rain ,snow or shine. Anyone interested in meeting up just call or text me.

(804) 244-1319

Shoe Creek Trail head GPS coordinates:
37' 47.263 N
079' 06.173 W

The trail head is near Alhambra, VA.

'92 Explorer XLT, 5.5" suspension, 3" body, 35" Maxxis Bighorns, Tow strap :D

I will definitely go with you next time I had a blast of their last time!(minus blowing out low range )

We need to plan a spring run there...
We should see what dates would work for everyone...
I'm available whenever with some least a day or two..

Maybe I should start a planning/discussion thread.......

i say we have another meetup with fishfood and gwnf like we did september. as long as fishfood is fine with that. and as long as hes fine with me wanting to ram that tree to the ground this time haha

im ready as of now, but will be doing a sas soon hopefully. and jd is into his supercharger. so itd be great if this was set after we get done, as long as no one else starts a big project lol

i saw we have another meetup with fishfood and gwnf like we did september. as long as fishfood is fine with that. and as long as hes fine with me wanting to ram that tree to the ground this time haha

im ready as of now, but will be doing a sas soon hopefully. and jd is into his supercharger. so itd be great if this was set after we get done, as long as no one else starts a big project lol

I'll be lifting and regearing after the trip lol

did I miss talks of a meetup?

i say we** lol

I will be waiting until after the trip. I'm swapping out half the truck it seems...
Ball joints, rebuild diffs, regear diffs, install lift,brakes, maybe my built xcase if its done,etc etc
At least most parts can be tossed as they come off lol

I dont think fishfood will mind rubbing some trees, he may not be to found of shooting them down, LOL. When we do a spring run, we need to decide on when. In late May, the Rhodendrens and Mountian Laural bloom. Some parts of the trail are like driveing through a flower cave, I know it sounds so gay, but it is really cool.

I dont think fishfood will mind rubbing some trees, he may not be to found of shooting them down, LOL. When we do a spring run, we need to decide on when. In late May, the Rhodendrens and Mountian Laural bloom. Some parts of the trail are like driveing through a flower cave, I know it sounds so gay, but it is really cool.

I'm up for whenever may would be best for jd to have time to tune etc with the new S/C
If we did may
We could always do a march run then I can regear in that two months and be ready for may..
So many options...only parts left to buy are r&p

I still cant believe we shot that tree down...
You heard from him lately I'm going to touch base with him sometime soon he had been talkin about making new trails in Jan on his new piece of land but I haven't heard from him.
Saw him driving the other day in short pump on broad


I dont think fishfood will mind rubbing some trees, he may not be to found of shooting them down, LOL. When we do a spring run, we need to decide on when. In late May, the Rhodendrens and Mountian Laural bloom. Some parts of the trail are like driveing through a flower cave, I know it sounds so gay, but it is really cool.

hahah yea i still cant believe that happened and everyone i tell is like no was an accident and we took care of it so i hope he isnt mad:(man i need to get on the ball,im trying to hit every trip possible this year:D

hahah yea i still cant believe that happened and everyone i tell is like no was an accident and we took care of it so i hope he isnt mad:(man i need to get on the ball,im trying to hit every trip possible this year:D

Me too I'm going to blame this occasional chug under hard acceleration on r&p(trans is good xcase has 70k (rebuilding OE now) and its still there.. maybe I chipped a tooth and don't notice it until I gag it.(cant have issues on trail)
