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Simple Question...


Well-Known Member
November 30, 2000
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Rockville, Maryland
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Eddie Bauer
I had my amp installed at Circuit City because somehow I received free installation. However, I have the MTX 152 Amp (2 channel - 150 RMS) and one MTX 10" 6000 sub (MAX Power - 500 RMS). However, since I had them install it I want to make sure that they did it right. The amp is only running the one sub, but how do I know if they bridged the AMP or not? The system sounds good and it is loud. I just want to make sure that they hooked it up right and that I am getting my money's worth. I really want to find out if they bridged the amp and that I am getting the most power possible. Is it implied that if the amp is only running one sub that they bridged the amp? Are there any simple ways to see? Please let me know....

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If your amp is a 2-channel, then there will be four outputs for speakers to be hooked up (1 neg and 1 pos for the right speaker and 1 neg and 1 pos for the left speaker). 1 negative and 1 positive together make up one channel. If the amp is bridged to only one sub, there is an easy way to tell. Just look at the speaker output side of the amp. If there is only one double pole wire connected to the positive of one channel and the negative of the other channel, then the amp is bridged (there will be an open slot between the two connections). If the wire is connected to only one channel (a pos and neg right next to one another) then the amp is not bridged.

Also, another way. I believe that the MTX amps have a small diagram on the amp itself on the side with the speaker outputs. It points to the proper two terminals to hook to when you want to bridge the amp and says the word BRIDGE. Look at the side and you'll see what I mean.

Originally posted by Stephen S
I believe that the MTX amps have a small diagram on the amp itself on the side with the speaker outputs. It points to the proper two terminals to hook to when you want to bridge the amp and says the word BRIDGE. Look at the side and you'll see what I mean.

i would like to add that it might say MONO instead of bridged and that it really wouldnt make a difference which poles the wires were connected to (if no the ones suggested). as long as you have a neg and a pos from each channel, your bridged.

I checked the back of the sub and there are only two big wires going into the back. So does this settle it...I am bridged or am I not bridged?? I am a retard...

You need to look at the side of the amp, not the back of the sub. The sub is supposed to have two wires going into the back.

Refer to my first post. I described what you should see when you look at the side of the amp. You must look at the speaker output side, it will have the same wire connected to it as was connected to the sub.

Just use the balance fader on the stereo. If the sub was connected incorrectly to one channel of the stereo mode of the amp, the output from the sub should cut out when you fade all the way left or right. If it doesn't, the amp was wired mono(bridged) and the sub is getting max power.
