small parts found in pan -pre VB 5R55E work) | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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small parts found in pan -pre VB 5R55E work)

The shift solenoids are simple on off solenoids... and if you click test them and blow then out with cleaner I think reusing them is ok. The TCC and EPC are modulated, and if you were inclined to replace them, I'd not disagree.

Once you get into the $300 range JUSTfor solenoids you might look at a NEW valve body ... for about $500.

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Test Drive

Test drove the truck last night and the hard shift seems to be going into third gear. The RPMs go to about 2500 and then when it slips in, the RPMs flare up to about 3000 and then drop. Engine temperature is running around 183°F.

The OD flashing occurred (Limp Mode) once but it did not throw any codes.

Double-checked the fluid level and it looked a little on the low side. Will top it off today and possibly add some Lugegard and hope for the best.

Thanks for the link for the VB, Bigg_billy. Do you know if it comes with the Ford mods?

Harsh 2-3 shift can be shift solenoid D is bad. I'd check the shift solenoids. It can also be the usual, blown gasket, sep plate issues and VB issues.



You can pose a question to him, he's pretty helpful and will steer you away from his VB if he doesn't think it will solve your problem, and 100% feedback. Don't forget you have that piece of spring missing from somewhere, taking a little pressure off of "something." $200 for a cleaned/tested VB that may get you up and running quickly might be a good quick option for some. You can always swap your Ford mods before you put it in. Then you can take your time looking for your broken spring, fix it, and sell it on Ebay to next poor Explorer guy. Have you adjusted your bands? Mine were tough to get loosened up, the intermediate was the hardest. Be sure as you are backing out the locknut that you keep the square adjuster in place, or you'll have another spare part in the pan! Get some antiseize compound on the threads as you button things up.


next steps??

Top off the fluid and the 2-3 flare is still there. Looks like were going back in!

Would it be OK to pull, check/clean the solenoids without dropping the VB?

Or would it better to drop the VB again? If so, should I get another seperator plate?

Here are the parts/procedures I'm thinking of doing:
1) gaskets (pan, reverse servo, 4 solenoid O-rings)
2) One spare shift solenoid (just in case) and clean & test(click) all 4
3) Install the Superior EPC riser (skipped the first time)
4) More ATF + Lubegard

Any other recomendations?
- Sonnax parts?




You'll have to drop it to find the damaged spring won't you? The Lucas tranny fix won't fix that! ;) I would think you could of changed them without dropping it, if it wasn't for that, just be careful, the TCC solenoid will pop out on you. I wished I would have gotten new o-rings for my solenoids, can you tell me where you got them when you do? I believe the separator plate with bonded gaskets can take one more time torquing. Adjust the bands too before you go in again. It'll be nice to have the drain this time......



I was planning on adjusting the bands this weekend and then order more parts if that does not help. I have not order the O-rings as yet. Seems to be 2 (small and large) per solenoid. PN from ATSG manual W702951-S300 for the small and W702949-S300 for the Large. I was either going to oder from Ford or find them on-line.

I found the following site that may have them.
(see page 39)



Fast parts has them:

Dead Link Removed

You have to ask Torrie how many you get for the $s.
