SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th | Page 28 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SMORR MO 2010--July 16,17, & 18th

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As long as you can verify that the transfer case is in 2x4, thats all thats needed from the 4x4 system.

Can he manually put the perendal (p-r-n-d) lever in 2nd and drive it out of the part to a local shop?

Only thing I know to try is to reconnect the battery to restart the truck computer.

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Ok, Steve is on his way here with his car dolly, and we're gonna get to his place in Springfield and take a good look at it. If its hosed then we'll leave it there and get ourselves home and figure it out later. Trans swap or rebuild or maybe sell the thing, lol.
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Jason sorry to hear this news.

Well we made it home about 4pm. I'm beat, we had a great time,enjoyed hanging out with eveyone.

Will try and get pic's and videos posted asap!

Jason sorry to hear this news.

Well we made it home about 4pm. I'm beat, we had a great time,enjoyed hanging out with eveyone.

Will try and get pic's and videos posted asap!

where are the pics? You've had 3 minutes, your well passed asap:D

From Jason: X is at Steve's. In route to Wichita in his Ranger. Thanks Steve!!!!

From Tiffany: even though I *almost died* (exaggeration is staying), I had a great weekend. Highlight of the weekend: proving to Jason that I could stay in a tent in the middle of July (he never said without complaining though so I still win). Big disappointment of the weekend: missing jello wrestling in ALBATROSS, MO.

For next gathering...can we make sure there are some other 'dirty girls' than just me (I'm not talking about jello wrestling anymore)?? I need some of my biatches to hang out with. Although, the passenger party on saturday night was fun :) THANKS AGAIN FOR WELCOMING ME AND ALL YOUR SUPPORT WHEN I WAS SICK!!!!
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What MPH is he doing when it tries to shift out of second into third and feels like neutral.
I'm only asking because mine did the exact same thing leaving smorr in Oct 09. I ended up driving from Smorr to St Louis at 4000 RPM doing about 60MPH. It never overheated anything. Once home I was able to test all the silenoids and found them to be good. Dropped the VB to find the Seperator Plate gasket to be damaged. I changed the VB with a rebuild from Central Valve Bodies and haven't had any problems in 14000 miles (knock on wood)

I was going 30-35 mph.
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Steve is in Springfield. He loaned the ranger to me and Tiff.
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Made it home to Omaha about 7pm. Had a great time at SMORR. Jason sorry to hear about your X. Hope its nothing to bad. Damage to my pass. door is not as bad as I thought so all is good. Will deffinitly make the trip again and maybe DORA will be a little more modified for those 3's and 4's will see. Great time! kids loved it.

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