Sn0border88's SAS'ed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Sn0border88's SAS'ed

Heh, I finally can post in the registry. :D

Heres the nitty on Emily

D44 Front:
Fullwidth 76 f-150 drum brake high pinion D44.
Converted to disks with 79 f-150 flattop outers.
5.13 Yukon gears open carrier
Warn manual hubs
GLO diff cover, 1/2" plate and stuff.

9" Rear:
Fullwidth 78' F-150 9"
5.13 Yukons with richmond 31 spline spool.

36x12.5x15 TSL-SX
Stock wagoneer leaf spring over in front, stock explorer spring over rear.
Superlift 5.5" lift extended lines, extended an extra 16".
Shackle foreward
F-150 tierod, reversed explorer drag link with no modifications needed.

It isnt the prettiest or the most high dollar rig around, but if my driving performs as well as it flexes im sure I can hold my own with anyone out there.

Total cost 2048.74 (Yes, im a nerd an kept an excel sheet to see how much money I wasted)







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How does it drive with the leafs on the road ? I'm thinking about going in this direction.

very very nice man! good work. I think I may have to copy you now. lol.

It will never see the road cept for 1/4 mile from my house to the shop, and thats under 30 mph.

However, Spas did a leaf spring on her 2nd gen and it handels like a dream, but then again hers was built for on road. Mine was done for strictly trail.

Very impressive!!!!

looks like it can really flex with leafes... those are stock waggy leafs?

how long are the front shackles?

9 and and a half, or a quarter, cant remeber which.

whats your height at the roofline??

im tryin to keep mine under 7ft so it fits through the garage door..and the drivethru :D

it fits under my garage, somehow. It was at 6'7" with the stupid lift, so its prolly 6'10" now I bet.

Nice fab work. Looks super flexy......

i like your set-up a lot....what all do you think it would take to make it street worthy?

i say sway bars and big fenders...

define street worthy... Ive had it to 45 mph and back and the ride really wasnt scary at all. If the driveshafts and tires were balanced and I had all 4 shocks on instead of 2 I think it would be pretty good. But its never getting sway bars or fenders, or anything to make it more "streetable"

wel what do you know...specially with ur shackles in front...(J/K)...great love to wheel with ya when mines done...

we are wheelin and campin near paragon on the 20th-22nd. Your more than welcome to come, pm me if intrested. You dont have to wheel, plenty of places to ride along.

ahh its a bit far to just ride ya know...paragons like 2-1/2 hours from me..

i mean like would you trust it around town with some shocks on it and balanced stuff out...not like it has to go on the high way or anything but i wanna drive my rig to the trail and back, i mean it will never go over 60mph

if i did crossover steering, had stiffer shocks and balanced the driveshafts, yes i would trust it

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i mean like would you trust it around town with some shocks on it and balanced stuff out...not like it has to go on the high way or anything but i wanna drive my rig to the trail and back, i mean it will never go over 60mph

I drive mine every day. I do at least 30 hwy miles at 75. So its pretty safe.
