Snow pics from Alaska | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snow pics from Alaska


Elite Cabin-Fever Captain
March 24, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Centralia, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 , 93 & 01 Sports
I just found a file of pics I took on 12/16 before we got hit with another 13" of snow. I have pics of my wife's Ex near a community park that already has a lot of snow before the additional 13". Plus I have some pics of the snow storage area. The city clears the snow off the street and parking lots in downtown and stores it here. The field where the snow is stored is quite huge. Then when the Iditarod sled dog race comes around they bring dump truck loads back into town and drop snow all over the streets.
I added a new Album in my gallery called snow pics check it out.



Dude, I'm so jelous. I miss the snow so much. Being out in the desert for 2 yrs. when your used to snow for 22 yrs. kinda makes you miss the snow. Just a little. :)

Hey Kurt!

Here's one from after Christmas back behind Otter lake on Ft. Rich. I took it right after I hung up the phone after talking to you.

Hummmmm! I love to ski! Looks good for sking there!!!
