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Snow Pics


Elite Explorer
July 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Pittsburgh, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT
I traveled from Pittsburgh to Clarion County, PA to pick up my nephew's processed deer from a successful Deer Camp '02. When I left the 'Burgh, there was a light dusting of snow. In Clarion County, there was 3-4 inches and 29 degrees. Here are a few pics of me and my :redexp: sampling the scenery. When I got back home, the snow was gone, the sun was shining and it was 45 degrees! What a difference 80 miles make!




Man I love the snow. But here in Colorado instead of the 80 miles its wait ten minutes.


Ken - I got the :redexp: with 4x4 so I could get rid of the chains!;) My last two vehicles were 4x2 pick ups and I had chains, which were a pain the a$$.

Had no traction problems at all. The :redexp: went :redexp: up hill with no slippage I could detect and the ABS took care of me down hill.

Joe - Its all a matter of location and elevation. The highest elevation I was at today was about 1700 feet. Colorado STARTS at over 5000 feet and goes up from there! Being on the leeward side of the Rockies makes a big difference.
