Snow Run | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snow Run


Elite Explorer
October 11, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, WA
Year, Model & Trim Level
94 Ex/79F250: X250
Planning a snow run Friday, Jan. 13th through the 15th. Most of us work that Friday, so we'll be heading up Friday night. All trucks welcome, its just snow.
At the moment we are planning on heading up to Jacks Pass, off Hy 2 (arcross from the Skycomish bridge). All are welcome, kids as well. Hot totty around the fire, hookybobbin' and snow wheelin' for all.

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Think my friend and I will come out to this. We were planning on going up to Jacks pass the other weekend but never made it up.

I've been watching :cool:

This weekend is really busy though.

Thursday evening the Cub Scouts are visiting a senior home.
Friday evening, a party up the street.
Saturday afternoon, a play at the local highschool special for kids.

So that leaves Sat morning or Sunday and with the Seahawks actually playing football for once, it's kind of fun to watch them. :eek:

Whatcha thinking Bryce?

Albino 94LTD said:
I've been watching :cool:

This weekend is really busy though.

Thursday evening the Cub Scouts are visiting a senior home.
Friday evening, a party up the street.
Saturday afternoon, a play at the local highschool special for kids.

So that leaves Sat morning or Sunday and with the Seahawks actually playing football for once, it's kind of fun to watch them. :eek:

Whatcha thinking Bryce?

arsoul said:
Planning a snow run Friday, Jan. 13th through the 15th. Most of us work that Friday, so we'll be heading up Friday night. All trucks welcome, its just snow.
At the moment we are planning on heading up to Jacks Pass, off Hy 2 (arcross from the Skycomish bridge). All are welcome, kids as well. Hot totty around the fire, hookybobbin' and snow wheelin' for all.


Oh, I see. :rolleyes:

You aren't thinking :p

I wouldn't mind trying to get the Pony up there :D Need to flush the oil and change it first and a couple other minor things

Albino 94LTD said:
Oh, I see. :rolleyes:

You aren't thinking :p

I wouldn't mind trying to get the Pony up there :D Need to flush the oil and change it first and a couple other minor things

I could be though ;) There is this great little spot for some kids and sleds up on the side of Mt. Pilchuk..........if we can get to it. Gotta a winch right :p

Not on the Pony though.

We do have snowshoes and XC ski's. Might there be some skiing there??

Now is it only snow are really messy up there? I might be able to come. Im in Vancouver for school.

Albino 94LTD said:
Not on the Pony though.

We do have snowshoes and XC ski's. Might there be some skiing there??

There very well might be along roads and side roads that are not passable to our trucks :D

Honestly I don't know as I haven't been out for a month :(

dont know for sure, havent been up there yet this year. i do know for sure, that there will be plenty of straps and winches to get you up there.
we leave no one behind.
would love to have you......just prepare to camp in cold conditions....that means a cold weather sleeping bag so i dont have to share mine, and i plan on eating beans.....or chilli.....or making my famous stew......probably stew....

Looks like my friend Chris and I are comming for sure! Prolly some others as well as both of us will be driving our rigs. I really dont know that area at all...arsoul do you have a link to a map or something of the area?

i dont know of any maps...take hy2. on the right will be bridge and a gas station that takes you to skyomish, take a right there. wont be hard to miss. cb #14, or we can meet in monroe friday night.

This is off topic but, this thread must have a new feature for the site, first time I have seen embedded sponsor links by keywords.

I dont mind them so much except when it in my signature!

I might be able to go. I live in Monroe so its nothin for me to jump in.

whoops...broke a window out of my jeep tonight on a tree... :D . looks like I have another thing to do before the trip. Gotta put the passenger side mirror back on, ripped it off tonight as well :confused: . The carnage :thumbsup: .

whoops....i have to work that bout' the following weekend? thats the soonest i'll be able to go, seeing as i still have to install a new axle shaft, replace all my brake lines and fix the off-road chuck wagon. too much work and not enough time to play.

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I'm still down
