Snowbash for Northeast/Midatlantic? | Page 53 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Snowbash for Northeast/Midatlantic?

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well i finally did it. Im elite.
'Bout time, cheap@$$ :D Now we just have to get you a kicka$$ avatar...

Well, did it again guys...

I decided to work through the night last night so I could have off today. Right around 2:30am I'm coming down Conowingo road, which is a very thin, two lane highway that crosses the Conowingo Hydroelectric dam when I see this 4runner ping pong off the jersey wall a few times and end up perpendicular to the road. Me being the nice if dumb person that I am offered to give the lady a tow the 5 miles back to her house...and ended up getting me, my truck and the 91 donor X on the bed sunk about 4 feet into the clay/mud of her backyard :p
F$cked up the X's whole passenger side when the rollback slid down a hill and into the trees :( Tried to unload it to get the weight off, only did even more damage..

One of our 4car carriers tried to get me out and got stuck, as did the 2car that tried to get him out. Took all three plus a big wrecker with multiple snatch blocks to finally pull me out!

I went without sleep or food for 30+ hours, so if I'm not around the next few days, you know why ;)

Figures it would have to be Friday the 13th, too...

Hmmm.. probably better off you didnt take your truck wheeling in October. That really sucks.

Actually, I've never gotten my explorer stuck, no matter how hard I tried! Just that big damn 6 ton rig.... :p

Oh Well thats good, but I was refering more to the damage aspect. :p

So, is the snowbash thing a go? I tried to search, but didn't see any mention of it in the last three pages, and 42 pages lot...yea. Don't really wanna scour the thread if someone knows off hand :)

No, nothing set yet. Probably nothing till mid Jan.

WTF??? Spas, why can't you live closer? I had to pay a rollback $90 to haul my truck less than 5 miles last night. I heard some kind of scary noise yesterday, went to namitey's and proceded to pull the front end apart, ended up replacing 2 ball joints, but that didn't solve the problem, I was on my way to dunkin donuts, and the other side wheel bearing exploded (call me Parlli) So, I walk from Doug's house, to mine, where I sit now waiting for a ride back to my truck. I hope the D44 wheel bearings I have will work:(

i pulled off all the crap the scrap yard left on my new axle (cut brake lines sway bar etc) and ill be putting it in tuesday. I should also have 4wd again!

You're a ding dong, Rat :rolleyes: That'll teach you not to fix things that you break!

Seriously, I hope you can get it fixed all right and for cheap..

Lizard, let's try this again :D How much height is the skunk going to have between the ground and the bumper?

still don't sound quite right;)

I got my axle in today. 4.10s are alot nicer than 3.27s. I havent tested out the 4wd but that should be working too. now i just need to work on getting my manual t-case in.

You were home today, Doug?? (Well, yesterday, now)

Dammit...I was trying every exit off of 78 today (okay, tuesday) trying to remember the way to Shaun's house :rolleyes: Had to drive cross state from Little Ferry to Allentown...I was gonna 'move' your truck when you weren't looking, too :D

yeah, if you were on your way to Allentown, via 78, you past by my road, about 6 min away:p
