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MLB doesn't like the name I have for her new ride. The name is fitting however. Gotta be nice to it or it'll have a melt down. In more ways than one. I just have to keep it below 6000 rpm's--

So far we like it quite a bit. It drives nice, and has plenty of power for passing in just about any situation. The switch from V8 to 4cyl mode is actually very smooth and not noticeable at all.
So far we are averaging around 24MPG although on the highway once cruising at 65 MPH it will easily do over 30mpg on a flat road. climbing any incline at all switches back to v8 mode.
The instrument cluster has a selection for a fuel economy gauge and information display. I enjoy playing that game since flooring it all the time is not socially acceptable.
I kinda like it because of the blacked out effect. The "Beats by Dre" sound system is pretty good once you get the bass turned down, and adaptive sound control set. So, I find a car that MLB and I agree on which has a slight amount of aftermarket "hobby" potential for both of us, and our daughters tell us we bought a drug dealer car. Now I wanna slam my head against a wall because I overlooked that--

Well, anyway, here are some pictures from today while I was waiting for stuff to cook.


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MLB doesn't like the name I have for her new ride. The name is fitting however. Gotta be nice to it or it'll have a melt down. In more ways than one. I just have to keep it below 6000 rpm's--

So far we like it quite a bit. It drives nice, and has plenty of power for passing in just about any situation. The switch from V8 to 4cyl mode is actually very smooth and not noticeable at all.
So far we are averaging around 24MPG although on the highway once cruising at 65 MPH it will easily do over 30mpg on a flat road. climbing any incline at all switches back to v8 mode.
The instrument cluster has a selection for a fuel economy gauge and information display. I enjoy playing that game since flooring it all the time is not socially acceptable.
I kinda like it because of the blacked out effect. The "Beats by Dre" sound system is pretty good once you get the bass turned down, and adaptive sound control set. So, I find a car that MLB and I agree on which has a slight amount of aftermarket "hobby" potential for both of us, and our daughters tell us we bought a drug dealer car. Now I wanna slam my head against a wall because I overlooked that--

Well, anyway, here are some pictures from today while I was waiting for stuff to cook.

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I like it, the name too. She got a phatass.

Welp, this thing has been a nice ride but I was made an offer I couldn't refuse, going to new home tomorrow. I'm kinda happy because keeping it spotless and ding free has been stressful.

Congrats on the sale. You and your wife enjoyed it, that's what mattered the most.

Now you can buy something different, or what do you need for another vehicle?

Its always nice to get the Offers ya can't refuse! (well... depends on who makes the offer! LoL )

Congrats on the sale. You and your wife enjoyed it, that's what mattered the most.

Now you can buy something different, or what do you need for another vehicle?

We have 2 vehicles now. We're actually buying some rural property so the white car just doesn't fit the plan. I think we are going to wait out the craziness, car prices are obsurd right now.

Its always nice to get the Offers ya can't refuse! (well... depends on who makes the offer! LoL )

I "think" it went to good hands. It will continue to be garaged.

Best thing is I didn't have to try to sell it and put up with all the joyriders. In fact the new owner didn't even test drive it. Like they had been stalking the car all along
