SOA how much lift will it provide | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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SOA how much lift will it provide


November 8, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Sarasota, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT 4X4
just how much lift will a SOA conversion provide my 1991 explorer xl 4x4?
i heard about 5.5/6" if this is true coul i just do A SOA and juyst get some 5.5" coils?

and how muchg would a SOA cost me

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Soa will cost as cheap as you find spring perches and someone to weld. I did mine for about 80$ considering I bought new U-bolts. It will give between 5''-6'' of lift

You can't just get 5.5" springs up'll NEVER get it even close to being aligned. You have to get new axle pivot brackets, and a few other odds and ends.

The depths of hell ask of thee too


:fire: haha

bwahahaha i need to copy that!

haha, go for it man.

were can i get just the coils for my x that will help rebound the SOA
will i need new pitman arms?im so confused AWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
is there no way to lift my x forr under a 1000

Sure there is but not 5-6 inches. You could go to a junk yard and pick up some f-150 spacers and go to Pep Boys and get some hot rod shackles. That should net you about 2 inches of suspension. Then get you get a 3 inch body lift. minus the alignment(if it can be aligned) 250. Get some extended radius arms for around 4-600 and you should be good. and that should leave you with about a hundred bucks for beer :confused:

i did my 94 with all a 4 inch lift and f150 spacers in the front and the spoa in the rear looks good and i used mostley used stuff with the exception of the brake lines and the spring perches...the whole thing costed about 500......i was going to go new till i got the used kit and it was like 1000 canadian new for a complete 4 inch kit with shocks and a pitman arm....and the rear perches were like 30 bucks....hope this helps....if u want more then a 2 inch lift u will need the drop pitman arm and the drop brackets for the ttb.....
