[Solved] 2016 Explorer Remote Start Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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[Solved] 2016 Explorer Remote Start Problem


Active Member
January 13, 2016
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2016 Ford Explorer Sport
Hi Everyone,

I was not able to find a thread that seemed to align specifically with my issue. I have a 2016 Ford Explorer Sport 401A Package. This means it has the wireless key FOB with the factory installed remote starter and perimeter alarm. I recently used ForScan to remove the double honk, add global open/close, and have concurrent low/high/fog beams. All of these worked when I realized my remote start no longer works. I reverted all of the changes I made but the remote start still doesn't work.

Every other key on my FOB still works except the remote start. I confirmed the remote start doesn't work with me second remote. I know I am sending the commend successfully, I use the remote start almost all the time. I also confirmed that remote start is enabled in the settings. Also tried turning it off and back on. I read a lot of threads where people said that the car would respond with flashing the parking lights. My car does not respond at all the the 2-way remote gives me 3 flashing red lights, meaning the command failed.

Does anyone know what hex code is responsible for the remote start in ForScan? Or does anyone have any other suggestions to try?

Please help!


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Disconnect the battery and reconnect it.

Disconnect the battery and reconnect it.
Sorry I should have mentioned I did do that. I had it disconnected for somewhere between 30-45 mins. Radio stations and clock reset which makes me think it was disconnected long enough, but still have the same situation as before

How did you revert your changes? Did you manually change things back or did you save the original data and load it and re-write?

How did you revert your changes? Did you manually change things back or did you save the original data and load it and re-write?

A little of both. I saved the BCM data only. I thought it saved all of the modules by clicking save once. I uploaded that and sent it but still nothing. I dug around on the website a little more and found out where to find the As-Built. I went to the motorcraftservice website and went through every single module and made sure it matched up with what the original As-Built was and I'm still getting the "Request Failed" light on the FOB

If you have reloaded the original data, verified it is turned on in the IPC and done a vehicle reset by disconnecting the battery I really don't know what else to tell you. It should be working.

Damn, I was hoping that wasn't the answer. Thank you for trying though.


Did some digging and got it working. I was looking at the F150 guy's forum where someone mentioned a similar issue when he got his plow put on and had to change some stuff in the BCM, once he did that his remote start stopped working in the same way mine did. One thing him and I had in common that I did not think was pertinent to anything is that we both had a VSS module installed (aka the perimeter alarm or enhanced security system). This is where the problem lay.

This is where I begin to assume what actually happened from various sources of info. The OBD port gets removed and gets plugged into the VSS and another OBD plug gets installed for accessing everything to the vehicle. ForScan has to plug into the OBD port. When you remote start in the 16 Explorer it runs some algorithm through the BCM to bypass the fact there is no chip physically in the car. I made changes to the BCM. From what I gather, the VSS interpreted my changes as a possible hack into the computer to override the secure starting procedure. The VSS disabled the remote start until it receives a hard restart by unplugging the VSS and plugging it back it (only thing that is weird is that you would think disconnecting the battery would have done the same thing, but oh well).

I now have all my changes I wanted and remote start is working again. I can't wait to share these results to Ford since they had no idea what to do lol.


Did some digging and got it working. I was looking at the F150 guy's forum where someone mentioned a similar issue when he got his plow put on and had to change some stuff in the BCM, once he did that his remote start stopped working in the same way mine did. One thing him and I had in common that I did not think was pertinent to anything is that we both had a VSS module installed (aka the perimeter alarm or enhanced security system). This is where the problem lay.

This is where I begin to assume what actually happened from various sources of info. The OBD port gets removed and gets plugged into the VSS and another OBD plug gets installed for accessing everything to the vehicle. ForScan has to plug into the OBD port. When you remote start in the 16 Explorer it runs some algorithm through the BCM to bypass the fact there is no chip physically in the car. I made changes to the BCM. From what I gather, the VSS interpreted my changes as a possible hack into the computer to override the secure starting procedure. The VSS disabled the remote start until it receives a hard restart by unplugging the VSS and plugging it back it (only thing that is weird is that you would think disconnecting the battery would have done the same thing, but oh well).

I now have all my changes I wanted and remote start is working again. I can't wait to share these results to Ford since they had no idea what to do lol.

Glad you were able to get it working again, Nick. Definitely speak with your dealer about this. Let me know if you want me to get it documented as well.


Did some digging and got it working. I was looking at the F150 guy's forum where someone mentioned a similar issue when he got his plow put on and had to change some stuff in the BCM, once he did that his remote start stopped working in the same way mine did. One thing him and I had in common that I did not think was pertinent to anything is that we both had a VSS module installed (aka the perimeter alarm or enhanced security system). This is where the problem lay.

This is where I begin to assume what actually happened from various sources of info. The OBD port gets removed and gets plugged into the VSS and another OBD plug gets installed for accessing everything to the vehicle. ForScan has to plug into the OBD port. When you remote start in the 16 Explorer it runs some algorithm through the BCM to bypass the fact there is no chip physically in the car. I made changes to the BCM. From what I gather, the VSS interpreted my changes as a possible hack into the computer to override the secure starting procedure. The VSS disabled the remote start until it receives a hard restart by unplugging the VSS and plugging it back it (only thing that is weird is that you would think disconnecting the battery would have done the same thing, but oh well).

I now have all my changes I wanted and remote start is working again. I can't wait to share these results to Ford since they had no idea what to do lol.

Nice... "detective work" Nick! :)
Though I didn't have this issue, reading how you solved the problem is a perfect example of why I love this forum!

Nick, Did you replug the VSS when completed? do you have the RMU as well ? ( Remote access on your phone?)

Is it back to normal with the VSS reinstalled?

Nice... "detective work" Nick! :)
Though I didn't have this issue, reading how you solved the problem is a perfect example of why I love this forum!
Thank you so much. I just hope if this happens to someone it can help them out as well! This is a great community in this forum

Nick, Did you replug the VSS when completed? do you have the RMU as well ? ( Remote access on your phone?)

Is it back to normal with the VSS reinstalled?

I never disconnected the VSS when I wrote the changes to the BCM. After I wrote them that is when the remote start stopped and was digging for days on how to fix this (including turning back all the BCM changes with no results). So I rewrote the changes and went to Ford thinking I did something wrong and the key had to be reprogramed. They said it wouldn't have worked at all and had no clue. Did some more research and unplugged the VSS (tried remote starting again with no result) plugged it back in and was about to give up when I decided to try again after plugging in and to my surprise it worked (you had no idea how happy I was lol). I do not have the RMU.

Glad you were able to get it working again, Nick. Definitely speak with your dealer about this. Let me know if you want me to get it documented as well.


No need to have it documented. It appears its a very uncommon problem as there was not a lot of similar cases. My Ford dealer tried very hard to help me when I came in but they couldn't figure it out quickly and requested I make an appointment. Theres the warning when you use ForScan anyway lol.

No need to have it documented. It appears its a very uncommon problem as there was not a lot of similar cases. My Ford dealer tried very hard to help me when I came in but they couldn't figure it out quickly and requested I make an appointment. Theres the warning when you use ForScan anyway lol.
Ah, ok! Thank you for the info, NickyB! Have a happy New Year!

