SOME CHIC SMASHED MY X | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Try to find witnesses. Put up a little sign on the side of the street that says, "Did you see the crash that occurred here on Thursday at 4:30, if so call 456-3493" or something like that. If you can get witnesses, then you can try to sue for it.

Just out of curiosity, why didn't you call the cops after the crash? And I'm still trying to figure out how it became your fault. I mean, at the least, without a report there's no proof of a crash, so neither would be at fault.

Originally posted by jasonb
i'm lost here... who's fault did what to who and which cop's dad?

And BTW, that quote's hilarious!

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dont know why anyone didnt say this but um how about witness?

we were only 2 on the road at that moment ( just my luck)

Originally posted by 94EBexplorer
dont know why anyone didnt say this but um how about witness?

See post above yours.

Anyway, Mustangc1923, this whole story seems a little fishy. There's something weird going on here. Just out of curiosity, how soon after the crash did the cop come by?

like we said in the chat room. You know the officer's name right? That will help out. Were any pictures taken at the scene? Remember that just because "daddy's little angel" was in an accident doesn't mean its not her fault. Right now its just a bunch of he said she said between 2 16 year olds.

Bottom line this: Neither insurance copmpany wants to pay out on an accident. Most will do investigations themselves. So make sure that you tell your insurance company everything that happened and tell them the truth. If there are any pictures they might want them. Make sure to give them the name of the officer as well.

Good Luck

cop was issuing a citation right? well that means his whereabouts are put in the compuer at that time. If you don't know the name of the cop, go in and tell them when and where the officer was. Ask to see the shift commander, they are usially sittin around in the station doing nothing. ask why he refused to right a report. if you asked him, and he didn't, that is a punishable misconduct.

you still in high school? if so chances are that you gonna get whalloped for this one. Girls in expensive cars are usially golden unless they got somthing on their MV history.

Call your insurance company and file a claim. call every day till you get an answer you like.

i got the officers name but every time ive called the police station all i get is just fill out the blue form thats all you can do.......

well seh was 16 too ...... but it was an older cadillac not a new one....

Her age is going to help you,just keep pushing the police department

i hope they pay for it. My mom's x was crashed in to by one of my brother's pothead friends. damn thing is just under our deductable (485, deductable 500) and my parents refuse to pay, so i'm stuck doing body work which i've never done before. hope it goes better with you!

go to a more expensive body shop lol brad got my friends dad to take some pics with his digital cam will get them up asap

sorry to hear aobut that man. just go ahead and fill out the blue form make a copy of it and mail it in and get a reciept from the post office that you paid for the stamp or have it return reciept requested that way you know that the d.o.t. got the form. and then when your able to get a copy of the report call your insurance copy everyday and ask when they are going to have the girls insurance fix your truck.

by the way did you get your spacer and shackles put on before this?

ok got my pics but since my x was black and just washed you can barely see the marks anybody interested let me know your email ill send em to ya dont know any other way....

This story pisses me off so much that I have a headache now. Hope everything works out.

Mustang, did your dad tell you it's your fault or did the chic's dad tell you it's your fault.

How did you know it's your fault?

What you can do, is take picture of your damage vehicle. Go back to the road and take pictures of all skid marks. Contact your insurance and tell them that she slam into you, yet no reports are taken. By the way, any damages over $500 should be reported, no exceptions. This is for the DMV to track records.

Man, you're gonna have a hard time to cut down this case if you want to sue her. Trials and all that. Otherwise, if you just being plain lazy, just have your insurance company deal with hers. :)

I'm not following all this. Your first post mentioned $3000 damage, almost the whole right side screwed up. You last post says the truck is black and freshly washed so the marks are hard to see.

Which is it?

;) ... i was thinking the same

I wish i could make damage shrink like that :D

its just dents but some white scrapes but the camera isnt the best so the damage is hard to see ....

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