Some pics I took today | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Some pics I took today

Well it was a beautiful day so I decided to travel South out of town. Most of these are just along the side of the road on the way to Portage Glacier. I didn't get any of the Glacier though I didn't make it in time for the last boat.
There are 2 pics of the X at the bottom.

This is one is actually down a mile and a half trail just north of town. Its called Thunderbird Falls.

And a couple pics on the X


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I like the first picture! :thumbsup:

Nice pics of the falls. I bet that first pic of the falls is larger then shown. Another pic looks like a giant set of steps. I just got back a few weeks ago from Blackwater Falls. If I can find the pics I'll post them.

that looks like a really beautiful area

great looking has been amazing the last week,,def makes for some good pics.

I personally like the last two. :) :thumbsup:

The last pic I had to climb a 20 foot bolder to get. But yeah the first picture I was about .5 mile away so its definately alot bigger, I think I may have zoomed in the 1x-2x and that was just to get the roadway sign out of the pic.
