Somebody stole a part from my van while I was in Home Depot! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Somebody stole a part from my van while I was in Home Depot!


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Elite Explorer
November 11, 2005
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I don't know why somebody would need only one panel. I made 3d printed covers to hide body damage under the taillights.




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This link has more information: Ford Aerostar minivan rear corner body repair covers. by BrooklynBay.

I'm trying to call the main 800 number but they have me on hold for 20 minutes. The manager at the store won't help me. He said that the parking lot is not part of the store, and they are not responsible. The security camera was near by but he won't let me see the video.

It was ripped off in the parking lot. Pieces of adhesive were on the floor. That was how I noticed that it was stolen. The upper adhesive is stretched & loose in the area where it was pryed off. It looks like a screwdriver was put into the middle from the way the adhesive is missing the center.

I called back the 800 number after getting disconnected the first time. They took my information.

I found out that a private security patrol was supposed to be on duty but they weren't there.

The private security spoke to the manager, and the security guard in Home Depot but they refuse to provide any information. I wonder if their outdoor security cameras really work, and they are making excuses to hide this information.

Sorry this happened, but most large corporations have policies forbidding sharing video or security information with private persons. If they share the information with you they are civilly liable for what you do with that information. The quality of parking lot cameras will usually not be good enough to get a license plate.

Makes me wonder how Lowes handles these types of situations?

Man,there should be NO resistance to looking at security footage. Bother the police and maybe they'll put pressure on the knuckleheads.

I could understand that they won't allow me to view their logs but why would they prevent their parking lot security team from viewing those logs since the parking lot is supposed to be their responsibility? The manager should view the log himself then he will see that there was something actually going on instead of ignoring the whole situation.

I didn't contact the police for a few reasons:

1. If I would have called, it will be considered a low priority since nobody was hurt. I would have to wait 2 or 3 hours until they show up just to write a report.

2. They file reports then send them into police plaza in Manhattan. It takes a minimum of 30 days to obtain a copy of the report. The store's security logs will be gone after a day so their police report won't help if I go back to the store after the summer with a report.

3. The person who stole it will be long gone after a month. If I could have gotten a photo or a license plate number, I could have proof for the police to start an investigation.

4. A local news channel could take a video then post it on their website asking if anybody recognizes the man who stole it. Maybe he's wanted for other similar crimes.

My buddy just recently lost his wallet and thought he left it at the self checkout at walmart. He made an appointment with security and was told without police investigation he couldn't see the video. He called police and was told by them unless he knows it was stolen they can't do anything about a lost wallet. They even came out to file a report but wouldn't go further. He had every resource right there but couldn't get a quick peek at the video nor would they even review it for him. The law sucks some time.

Two weeks later I was at the self checkout with my son and out of nowhere I had an employee and security guard up my ass as their system detected I skip scanned something. I had not......just was quick with my scanning and the computer thought I stole. They came up on me and my son like ass holes, pulled the $4 wash mitt out the bag that they thought I didn't scan and started asking questions like I was guilty from the beginning. I pointed at the line that showed I scanned it but wouldn't believe me till they scanned it and saw that I did scan it. I got an under the breath sorry as they quickly walked away. If my son wasn't there I would of acted a damn fool but had to resort to just giving the "look". I still go there and everytime I try to set a world record scanning to try to have a confrontation with the same guy. Automation and selfish people without respect are ruining the moral of the world. /rant off

Sorry to her you got vandalized. People suck sometimes. Karma will get them for you.

Honestly, I would just make another, and move on. Maybe fasten it with something else (along with adhesive), like a rivet?

We just can't have nice things anymore lol

It's not a problem making another part. It's the fact that somebody stole it, and the people in charge refused to do something about it. I found my passenger door unlocked when I got into the van. I had no passengers with me so I only used the driver's door. Maybe the crook slim jimmed the door then saw me, and ran away? I had my tool box on the floor, and a customer's ceiling fan next to that door. It's possible that the guy saw it, and wanted to take it too. I guess that I was fortunate that they only took one thing that's easy to replace.

In a perfect world, that a*&hole would have been run over by a truck as he was running away from your car. I bet the cover they stole will be noticed by you some day on another Aerostar in the neighborhood, because fortunately thieves are stupid. When that occurs, please use restraint when recovering your property. Another good reason to have a police report on file.

I have only this to add;


I called the 800 number again. They told me that I spoke to the "assistant" manager at the store which is a man. The real manager is a lady. They gave me the name of the real manager, and told me to call the store since she's aware of what is going on. I had to call the store several times because I kept getting disconnected while I was on hold. I was transferred to the assistant manager. I told him that I want to speak to the real manager which is a lady. He said that the store has "two managers", and refused to transfer me to the lady. The 800 number said that no store has two managers. This is the guy which is preventing me from looking at the camera's logs, and refused to work with the private parking lot security. He told me to file a police report then come back. It takes 30 to 45 days to receive a copy of the police report. The system only saves the video for 7 days so it won't be available at that time. I told him all of these things. He knows but he said that he has to follow "protocol".

He should also be able to save the video on a disc for you for if and when you get a police report. He could review the video and see if there is anything there, so you are not wasting any more time with this if there is nothing there. He is following his rules set upon him by corporate. If you want to take if further, call HD corporate about the "two managers" comments and his lack of assistance.

Google has several phone numbers for corporate offices in Atlanta Georgia. They all go to the same general telephone network. The last person tried to contact the manager but they wouldn't put her on the phone. They wouldn't give me the manager's email but they said that they will send an email to the manager asking her to contact me. I'm sure that they won't contact me.

People will jerk you off until they get negative media attention. I'd call the local news station that does investigative reports. Some people would like to know how useless the security is at home depot and how worthless the mismanagement is.

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We are a bad species... soon to be extinct.

Good luck and best wishes getting some measure of justice and fairness.
